Welcome To Tokyo

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The flight was long, and quiet. I tried to make myself go to sleep to avoid the the awkwardness, but no matter how hard I tried, nothing could seem to shake the flashing images of the gruesome events that had just taken place out of my mind. Nothing could seem to distract me from the horrified looks in my friends eyes, and how they stared down the barrel of the gun before it went off.

Bill grew worried of my silence, and stroked my shoulder every so often, but each time I slapped his hand away and continued mourning in silence.
I managed to stop crying, not because I felt any better about the situation, but because I physically couldn't force any more tears out of my eyes. My throat was dry and sore, like what I imagine it would feel like to swallow sandpaper, and every time I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, Id clutch my neck in agony.

I looked out of the window, admiring the views, Europe is mesmerising from above, all of the buildings twinkle and if you look close enough you can just about see a few street lamps illuminating the dark alleyways. You wouldn't think that such a pleasant looking place would be riddled with un pleasant people, but thats the harsh reality of the world. Its funny how beautiful a place can look from above in comparison to how it is on the ground.

After a long while of counting stars and trying to find constellations I become drowsy. I rest my head on the small window ledge and eventually drift off, listening to the sounds of the rotor blades spinning rapidly as we travel through the serene night sky.

"Taylor" I feel a pair of hands gently shaking my shoulders in an attempt to wake me from my much needed rest
"Taylor, were here" The side of my head is sore from having it on the uncomfortable, small window ledge for hours without moving, I rub my temple and theres a line imprinted on it.
I yawn, then groan in pain from the crisp air going down my throat.

I stretch my legs out before forcing myself out of the seat, I then stretch my back as Id been perched in an awkward position for hours on end.
I plod over to the door, trying to get used to being up on my feet again and I'm greeted by Tom, who's stood outside of the aircraft with his hand out for me to hold while I climb down the unreasonably small steps. I clutch onto him while I try my best to land my feet onto each stair, but when I reach the bottom I miss the very last one, sending me toppling onto the gravelly concrete face first. My cheeks flush red in embarrassment and Tom has to turn his head away so stop himself from laughing at me, however the other boys didn't hesitate to cackle at the sight of me nose diving directly into the floor.

I lift myself off the floor before brushing the dust off my clothes whilst trying to catch my breath.
"Its not that funny!" I insist
"No no! We were laughing at each-other!" Gustav claimed. I mumble under my breath while flipping them off and re-gaining my balance.

"Welcome back to the great city of Tokyo!" Tom declares whilst walking backwards to face me with his arms stretched besides him revealing the huge city that I had grown to despise, but Ill admit, it truly is handsome looking. All of the buildings are huge and the whole place looks complex and carefully mapped out. Every single shop is decorated to perfection, and all of the apartment complexes and houses are glamorous and lavish.

Parked up next to the helicopter land pad are four supercars, they all glisten when light touches them and they're shined so much that they act like mirrors. Tom pulls out some keys from his pocket and presses the unlock button, before he marches over to the sleek black hellcat, the number plate reads 'Kaulitz'. I have to admit, it is pretty cool.
He pats the roof of the car and runs his finger along it to check theres no dust, he lifts his finger off and its clean
"wont be the same as Mary though" he sighs
"Excuse me?" I say, confused as to what he's talking about and who he's talking to
"The car I had to leave behind, her name was Mary." He huffs and puffs in a strop while inspecting every inch of the car, he checked underneath the fenders incase someone had put a tracker underneath it, and after finding nothing he eagerly ripped the door open and practically threw himself into the fresh black leather seat.

"Cmon then!Lets get going" he calls out to me. I get into the passengers seat and while I do my seatbelt up Tom rubs his hands together keen to test his new toy out.
"all set?" He takes a quick glance at me then begins adjusting the rear view mirror
"mhmm" I say, bracing myself for an eventful ride.

He starts the engine up and presses down on the gas pedal speeding out of the car park, leaving the others behind in the dust. As we bomb through the winding roads, Bill manages to catch up to us.
When we finally get onto a motorway Tom doesn't think twice about speeding up, he weaves through the other cars, coming close to hitting some. He accelerated as much as he could and occasionally tail gated the overly slow drivers. As we progress through the cars, I grip the seat beneath me and push myself as far into it as I can, readying for us to go hurdling into the back of someone full speed. Being in the car with Tom again brought back memories, and not good ones, but hopefully a new car could mean a new Tom. I doubt it though.

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