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Everyone agrees to get in the pool so we grab our towels.
Bill sprints at the pool and canon balls in while screaming. He floats back up to the surface and shouts to us
"Hey! Get in guys!" Georg and Gustav don't hesitate to jump in but Tom stares down at them instead of moving. I grab Toms arm and throw him in before getting in myself. Tom looks at me
"I was just about to get in prick!" I laugh at him and make a pathetic attempt at swimming, in reality I'm just throwing my arms and legs around, splashing everyone in the process
"Hey!" Georg shouts, he begins splashing me back and Gustav joins in, he runs up to me and flops on top of me, causing me to sink under his weight. He gets off me and pulls me up while we all laugh together
"I could've just died man!" I slur my words and stumble around while trying my best to get some form of balance.

We all splash at each other and crack jokes, but Tom seems distant, he seems off. I go over to him and collapse onto him while the others are busy having water fights, he wraps his muscular arms around my body and hoists me up onto my feet, before putting his hands on my shoulders and shaking his head at me.
"Are you okay!" my words are hard to make out but he seems to understand a bit
"Yes, just making sure no one drowns" His eyes seem dull and sad so I peck his lips and embrace him in a big hug
"You want to join in?" I ask in the hopes he might cheer up a bit
"Hmm" he looks to the boys then back to me "Fine. But only for a bit." He huffs and I grab his wrist and drag him to everyone else

"Tom!" Bill shouts while kicking his feet to splash Gustav. Georg grabs Bills foot and drags him under the water. Tom looks worried.
"He's not really gonna drown him silly!" I say while hitting his arm, Bills head pokes out the water and him and Georg have an even more intense fight
"The rules were no drowning!" Bill shouts
"You didn't drown Bill" Georg flicks water at bills face. I laugh a bit and Gustav comes to stand with me and Tom

"Tom relax a bit! Cmon, don't you wanna have a bit of fun?" Gustav gently elbows Toms arm and I join in
"Pleaseee! For one minute!" I plead
"No." Tom says bluntly. My smile drops but before I know it Tom starts splashing me in the face
"Hey!" I splash him back and Gustav joins me in soaking Tom. We laugh as Tom dashes water at us both. Gustav runs away and goes to the other side of the pool.

While Toms distracted, I wrap one of my arms around his neck and send my body into the water as hard as I can, dragging Tom under with me. He flings my arm off of his neck and pushes himself back to the surface. I stay under and try to drag him again, this time by his waist, but he grabs my hair and yanks me back up
"Don't be like that Taylor" He says sternly while letting go of my hair, I step back and my eyes fill with tears. He moves towards me suddenly, and I burst out crying. I feel so afraid again.

"Hey!" he slaps my arm
"Hey! Stop fucking crying" He continues hitting me and I cry harder while covering my face with my hands. He drops his hand and walks away.

"Taylor, what happened?" Its Bill I uncover my face and look up at him. He has such sweet eyes. I cant speak, I just stand here, stunned. He scans my body and notices red marks on my arm. Without saying anything, he pulls me into a warm hug and holds the back of my head
"Im sorry Tay." He sighs under his breath
"I didn't think he was like that anymore" He whispers. I pull back from the hug to look at him in the eyes, he wipes my tears with his hand and cups my cheek for a bit before quickly taking his hand away and looking down.

"I don't know what I did wrong Bill" I sniffle
"I know, I know. Im sorry" We hold eye contact for a minute
"Why don't you come over with us instead hm?"
I nod and he leads me to the others who have finished their water fight
"You okay?" Gustav asks, concern in his voice.
"Yeah, Im good" I give him a half hearted smile and look at the floor of the pool. I hear the boys whispering about something, but I cant quite make out what they were saying, all I heard was 'Tom'
"Why don't you share a room with one of us instead tonight?" Georg sounds worried, like he knows something might happen if I stay in Toms room.
"No, I think its better if I just sleep with Tom. But thank you." Imagine how mad Tom would be if I slept in a bed with someone else. God he'd rain hell on me.
"I think Im just gonna go." I climb up the pool steps and snatch my towel from the floor.

As I walk past the conversation pit, I hear a voice
"Where are you going." Its Tom
"To bed." I say bluntly
"Lets go then." He stands up and grabs my arm, pulling me through the garden and into the house. He storms up the stairs, keeping a firm grip on my arm. I struggle to get up the stairs, I trip on one of the steps
"Pick your feet up for fuck sake." He tugs me up from the floor and continues dragging me towards our room
"Please don't hurt me" I say while trying to wriggle my way out of his clasp. He blanks me and slams the door behind us
"Tom?" My voice shakes

He throws me to the floor and towers over me.
"Why the fuck would you do that" He spits
"Do what?"
"Fucking cry!" He raises his voice "Thats all you ever fucking do Taylor!" A lump forms in my throat
"God, you know, Ive been trying so fucking hard to put up with your shit!" Tears well at the corner of my eyes
"Haven't I been so good to you?!" A single tear rolls down my face
"Oh! Look at that! Your crying! Again." He's shouting now. His voice is so cruel
"You know what." He pulls me up by my hair and throws me onto the bed
"Cry Taylor. Scream for all I care" I try to struggle against him as he pins me down by my arms
"Your making it worse for yourself."
I stop moving and look up to him
"Please don't hurt me Tom"

a beautiful lie (continued/ original by winternightz)Where stories live. Discover now