Pretty Chill Morning?

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I jump out of my sleep as a loud bang on the front door sounds through the house, no one else seems to be going to answer it, so I pick up my gun and head towards the door.
As I walk down the stairs adrenaline corses through my veins.
As I reach for the handle my hands shake and my breathing fastens, I pull the door open.

"10pm, warehouse." A worried looking man spurts out, I clutch my gun and poke my head out of the door, yet no one is there, no car, just the man. He's shaking, and clutching the bottom of his shirt. Weirdo.
He swivels around and speed-walks away, I slam the door and process what just happened.
10pm warehouse. Ok Kristina. Its on.

5 hours till 10. 5 hours to prepare. I can work with that. I head to my room and unzip my duffle bag to find my moisturiser and a hair tie.
I tie my hair into a slick back ponytail and moisturise my face, I then search the bag to find an outfit. If I'm killing I may as-well look good while doing it. I pull out my dress, its a long black dress with a slit going up the thigh, it has long sleeves.
I take my pyjamas off and slip the dress on, I look good.  The skin tight dress hugs my curves showing off my hourglass figure. The v neck cut shows my cleavage. My long wavy red hair falls over my shoulders. I take out two strands from the front and twist them before letting them rest on each side of my face.

"Baby, wake up" I sit on the bed next to Tom and stroke his warm face
"Tom, get up" His eyes flutter open, he looks up at me as his body slowly wakes up
"Too early" He groans
"Nuh uh" I hum. He pulls me down into the bed with him and holds me tight against his lean body, he snuggles his head into my chest and takes a deep breath.
"Come on my love, I have something important to tell you" I try and push myself away but with each movement I make he pulls me closer
"Tell me here baby" He pleads, his voice gravely and sleepy
"A man knocked on our door" I start
"He said '10pm warehouse' "
"Then we go there" He shrugs, how is he so unbothered?

"Let me go!" I giggle as I begin tickling him to try and loosen his grip
"Fine." He lets go of me after planting a kiss on my forehead
I walk to the kitchen where I hear a sizzling
"Hi Tay" Bills cooking
"That smells good" The smell of fresh bacon and eggs clouds the air
"You want some?"
"Oh yes please!" I take a seat at the table

"10pm warehouse"
"A man knocked on the door and said that, literally just '10pm warehouse' nothing else" Bill turns to face me
"Oh, ok looks like we have an exiting night ahead of us then" He swivels back around to continue cooking. How is everyone so calm about this?
"You look nice" He says with a smile
"You wearing that tonight?" He questions
He pulls out five plates and begins putting the food on them,
"You mind getting the others?"
"Yeah alright" I run up the stairs eager to eat.
I push open Gustavs door and find him passed out on the bed, not even under the covers
"Gustav?" I tap him gently
"Breakfast downstairs" He turns over
"Hmph?" He rubs his eyes
"Breakfast is ready" He shoots up from the bed and hurries down the stairs.

I head to Georgs room, he's tucked in and in such a deep sleep that he's drooling a bit, I giggle under my breath at the sight of him
"Georg" I shake his arm
"Theres breakfast downstairs" I continue shaking him but harder this time as he sleeps like a log
"Georggg?" He pulls the covers over his head, eyes still glued shut
"Oi! Theres breakfast, get up lazy!" I laugh as he groans.

"Wheres Georg?" Bill asks
"I don't think he's gonna wake up"  I shrug as I sit next to Gustav who's already eating
"Bill told me about the guy this morning, you ready?" Gustav asks between chews
"Oh I'm ready" I say in confidence as I cut my bacon
"Smells good give me some." Tom enters the kitchen with his arms stretched above his head
"I already made you some" Bill points at Toms plate
"Thanks Bill" Tom sits next to me and pats my thigh
"You look good" He says before shoving egg into his mouth, I smile at him, mouth stuffed with food
"Were gonna have a fun night!" Tom says rubbing his hands together
"Cant wait to see you kill someone!" He adds, what the hell? He makes me question his train of thought sometimes.

I cant wait to kill.

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