One Last Hello

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"Tom, Im tired."
"Taylor were almost there ok, stay awake."
"I cant anymore."
"Taylor I cant live without you. Please, just push through it."
"I love you"
"No no no. No. No just stay with me."
"Promise me you wont forget me"
"Don't fuck around! Just keep your eyes open!"
"I promise to watch over you and the gang"
"Taylor. Don't fucking do it"
"Im sorry we never had the chance to have our dream wedding."
"We will, just stay with me!"
"Me and our baby will keep you safe when I finally see her"
"We can have another kid!"
"And I promise to always be by your side"
"Ill hold your hand even if you cant feel it"
"Look for me in the orchids"
"No no no. Taylor!"
"Just never forget me."

"CEE!!" My eyes peel open
"GIRLS SHES AWAKE!!" I squint as a bright light blinds me
My heart sinks
"Lotty?" I question
"And us!" Three other girls stand above me
"Oh my God." I sit in disbelief
"Although we've been exited to see you again" Star pauses "Someone else has been dying to meet you again" She finishes, I look around trying to find the person shes talking about

"Taylor.." A soft voice appears behind me, I swivel my head to face the girl
"Oh my fucking God! Ria?!" I jump to my feet
"Oh Tay, Im so sorry. This whole shit show is my entire fault. You never would've gone through all of that if I never forced you to come with me that night." She sighs and puts her head down in disappointment
"Yeah. You fucked up my life, like you really fucked everything up for me, but its over now" I put a hand on her shoulder
"Ha.. Yeah."
Lotty spins me around and drags me towards what looks like nothing but a bright yellowish white light
"I bet you're gonna loveee this!" She squeals as we run hand in hand towards the light.
Suddenly, the nothingness becomes a never ending field of sunflowers and orchids, the grass comes up to my elbows and tickles my legs as we move further
"This is, perfect" I take in my surroundings, admiring each petal of every flower.
"Look who's here!" Lotty motions to a small figure standing a few feet away, I move towards the silhouette as the persons features become apparent
"Mummy!" The child runs to my side and hugs my leg
"Oh sweetie, Ive missed you so much!" I kneel down beside her and take her in my arms
"Mummy Ive been waiting for soy long to see you again!" She squeezes me as her sweet little voice melts my heart
"Me too baby, me too" I whisper to her as I stroke the back of her head
"You look taller!" I say as I pull away from her embrace
"Don't be silly mummy! No one grows or gets old here!" She exclaims
"Oh, sorry baby, I just haven't seen you in so long!"
"Its okay mama! Aunty Lot Lot has been taking care of me!" Tears well in the corners of my eyes
"Thats good!" I smile
"Don't cry mama! Its perfect here! I have the best mummy and daddy and aunties ever!" She jumps up and down on the spot
"Yes, you do!" She wipes my eyes, her tiny hands brush gently against my face
"Are you staying this time? Is daddy coming too?" She questions with excitement
"Daddy's not coming, I don't think. But Im staying. Ill always be with you baby." I comfort her

"Uh, Taylor. About that." Ria appears behind me
"About what?!" I question
"Its not your time." She sighs
"Yea! It is, Im here now. With all of you"
"What!?" I shout
"Its not your time. You need to accept that." She huffs as tiny tears drop from her bright eyes
"It has to be. I cant go back to that. I just cant!"
"Tom has plans for the both of you now. Just let it all fall into place."
"How many times am I gonna come here, feel safe and finally happy just to be dragged back to that hell!?" I shout desperately
"I don't know. But please, just look down there." She asks
"Theres nothing there?"
"There is, look closer" She insists.
I focus hard

"Fuck fuck fuck!"
"Taylor please please fucking wake up!"
"Baby respond! Were so close!"
"Taylor! Wake up! Were gonna get married, move away and have a kid. Were gonna have actual jobs and have a real future! Ive been planning for months. Please just wake up! I promise Im gonna change all of this bullshit!"
Oh Tom.
"My love! I need you! I cant live on without you!"
My poor boy.
"My precious precious girl. Wake up. Let me see your beautiful eyes again."
Tears stream down his bloodied face.

"See. He needs you. This is your destiny." Ria puts a hand on my shoulder
"I- He-" I stutter
"He needs you. You need him. You are bound to be together."
"Baby come here" I call my daughter over
"Yes mummy?" She questions
"Listen, sweetheart. I know this is hard to hear, but I have to.. go." I begin to cry
"Why mummy!? Why!? You always leave me! Always!" She rages at me
"Baby I have no choice. I don't want to." My voice breaks
"I hate you!" She screams
"I hate you!"
"Please, please calm down honey. I love you. So so much." I plead
"I- I just missed you. You always leave. I love you, so so much." She bawls into my shoulder
"I love you. I will be back soon, okay?"
"Bye bye mummy. Ill look after you."


"Please don't let her die"
"Sir her vitals aren't what we wish they were, theres a small chance shes going to pull through"
"Do not let her die."

My head hurts, and my body. I feel so dizzy and confused. I cant move my legs.. or my arms. I struggle to open my heavy tired eyes
"Taylor!" Strong arms are wrapped around my frail body, and a scent I know and love becomes apparent
"Tom?" I question, my voice shaky and my throat sore
"Yes my love, I'm here" He looks down at me as I lay still and drained in the uncomfortable bed, the blanket is itchy and the pillow is flat.
"Im sorry.." I whisper
"No, don't apologise love. Just relax" He comforts me with soft kisses on my hot forehead. I let my head rest back on the pathetic pillows, and lean into Toms hug enjoying his warm embrace.
"I wanna leave"
"I know you do, but we need to wait until your stable." Tom speaks in a low soft tone
"Fine." I huff, allowing my body to loosen
"Just get some more rest, Ill be right here next to you"
My eyelids grow heavy and my mind travels away.

a beautiful lie (continued/ original by winternightz)Where stories live. Discover now