The Roommate

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"Wow, honey! This room is huge. You know when I was in college I had 3 other room mates. What a time that was." A reminiscing Bridgette was telling her daughter as she drops a bag onto an empty bed and looks at the expanse of the room which only had two beds in it.

"Yes, dear. I think you've told Pumpkin your stories at least 50 times on the trip here." A saving grace of a Brent cutely cuts his wife off while rolling his eyes dramatically and chuckling to their daughter who is now covering her giggles with her hand.

"I saw that eye roll of yours Mr. Shaw." Bridgette scolds her husband. "You forget, I have eyes at the back of my head."

With that Nebula's giggle bursts out of her hand, making her father laugh out too.

"Really!" She says. "Mom, that only works on a 5 year old wanting to do what you don't want them to do. This is Dad you're talking to."

"Exactly... A 5 year old stuck in a grown ass mans body." Bridgette says turning to face her daughter and husband with a slight head shake and a grin plastered across her face.

"Hey! You love the 5 year old in this body." Retorts Brent with yet another overly dramatic facial expression of having his feelings hurt and at the same time puffs his flat, unshapely chest out like a proud cock trying to impress a hen.

Nebula let out a deep gutteral laugh, watching her parent's loving banter. Instead of being embarrassed about the way they carried on, she absolutely adored it. Adored her parents. She thought herself lucky to have two doting parents who filled her with all the joys of life. They were her pillar and her strength as well as her main source of entertainment and she hoped that somewhere on her new journey she would find a love like theirs.

"Well Pumpkin. That's all your stuff." Brent says as he wraps an arm around his daughters shoulder, looking at the bags that were now scattered across the empty bed. "You need anything and I mean anything, you know who to call. Right?"

"Yes, me!" Blurts out Bridgette quickly, leaving no room for debate. "If you call your father, I'll only get the message 3 days passed it's due date."

"That's because it would have already been taken care of my Love." Coo'd Brent, extending his arm in his wife's direction to join the group hug he was wanting.

Still laughing, Nebula, wraps an arm around both her parents and hugs them tight. "I'm going to miss you guys."

"Nonsense!" Quips her mother. "We're just a phone call away and if I have to get your father to drive 3 hours every weekend, he will not complain. Guarenteed." States the on-the-verge-of-tears Bridgette to her daughter.

The departure of her parents was emotionally filled with I love yous and even tighter hugs. This was going to be something all right. Nebula's first time away from home and on her own. Well, not exactly on her own, she does have a room mate. One who she was dying to meet.

The thought of meeting her new roomie had her spinning on her heels and heading back to the dorm room as soon as her parents car was no longer visible.

Upon entering the room she was greeted with an unauthodox string of greetings.

"Oh for the love of anything fuckable! Come on! Open you dumb twat waffle!" A mousey blonde was caging a well worn out, brown suitcase with fury and torturing its stubborn clip.

"You need some help over there?" Questions Nebula with a chuckle, stepping closer to the blonde.

Without looking up at the voice offering assistance, the blonde carries on slapping and flipping at the clip viciously. Irritation boiling through her actions towards the tiny thing.

"Unless you either have claws or a big-ass clever," says the blonde glaring at the clip with a warning and putting a serious emphasis on the word clever, "then I doubt you can."

The blonde suddenly tilts her head around from her caging stance, over her suitcase, to see who offered the help. Her sparkling, crystal clear blue eyes and short, spikey tufts of hair standing perfectly gelled did nothing else but make her look like a devious pixie. She narrowed her eyes on Nebula and stared for a few seconds, scrutinizing her down to what felt like her very soul. "You got a hair pin by any chance?" The girl eventually asks after leaving Nebula feeling somewhat exposed by the way she had been staring at her.

"Sure, there should be one..." Nebula turns around scanning her bags sprayed across the bed. "In here.." She says grabbing a black, duffle like bag and zipping it open. A few seconds of rummaging around, the sound of another zip is heard and her hand emerges with a thin, brown metal bobby pin and hands it over to the pixie like blonde.

Taking the hair pin, the blonde acknowledges her in a better greeting. "So, we're roomies, huh? I'm Page."

"Nebula. Nice to meet you Page." Nebula responds with a genuine smile and a flash of pride which grants her one in return before Page's attention is back on her suitcase making her brows pull together and her eyes harden.

"Cool. Neb, be a darl and come sit your ass on this bitch so I can get her open. If I don't get my popcorn Ima be pissed." The pixie blonde now known as Page states with a raised eyebrow as she hardens her ogling at the clip on her suitcase.

Nebula made her way over and sat on Page's suitcase, with her back to her roomie, the two of them started getting better acquainted while Page attempted to pick her way through the clip's stubborn lock, seperating her from her popcorn.

"So you've never been away from home? Seriously?" Page's surprise was blurted out. Her face all scrunched up with disbelief. "Wow."

The entire concept of not being away from home was clearly something Page was not accustomed to. Which meant her new roomie was probably the rebellious type. She should have seen that coming after what she heard coming out of her mouth when she first came back into the room.

Nebula chuckled. Indeed, this new adventure of hers is going to be fun.

"Never really needed to go anywhere. Small town. It takes a couple of hours to walk from one end to the other. So, where would I have gone?" Nebula explains still chuckling.

Page stand up straight and places her hands on her hips and stares at the back of Nebula's now slightly turned head.

"Not even for a sleep over?" Page says still trying to digest the whole never been away from home idea.

"Nope. Amy lived right next door, so we saw each other all the time anyway." Nebula says with a matter of fact tone.

"Wow. So this then is huge for you?" Page asks her rhetorical question and goes back to the clip with one last attempt. She finally stands up again, this time with a triumphant grin. "Ok, you can shift. Now you're the only thing between me and my popcorn." She adds chuckling.

Hopping off the suitcase and moving to give Page space to grab her snack, she giggles and watches just how much in love her new roomie is with popcorn.

Page slowly pulls the foil bag out from her suitcase, staring at it as if it were a rare and priceless artifact and carefully tears open the foil bag containing the white, fluffy puffs of goodness with her nose waiting imaptiently, right at the opening of the bag and takes a deep breath in as the foil separates, releasing the smell of seven day old, ripe, cheesy gym socks into her nostrils.

"Aaahhhh, hello baby... Mama's here." She says to the contents of the foil bag.

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