I Need Help

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Page sits me down on the edge of my bed and drags over a desk chair and sternly positions it right in front of me.

Oh boy, looks like I'm in big trouble.

She plops down in the chair making it bounce.

She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back and just stares at me.


I stare back at her trying to get away with indifference. Maybe.

She doesn't say a word but just sits there staring.

"What!" I yelp, throwing my hands in the air.

She uncrosses her hands and leans forward, leaning on her knees.

"Do you need a slap or something?" She asks clearly not really wanting an answer because she immediately carryies on. "Why the hell do you always seem to be running out of Dakarai's room like you have death chasing you? It's sex Neb. It's supposed to be fun. Not some sinister occult movie with captives fleeing for their lives."

I look at her, knowing full well she would never believe me if I told her the truth. I don't even believe it.

"I don't know." My tone comes out weak and it irritates me.

"You know what. I'm your friend." She states firmly and stands up. "I'm going to help you with this. Coz you clearly need help."

She slides the desk chair over to her desk and turns to her closet, rumages through the draws and pulls out her purse and then turns to me. "Come on. Off your ass nun, I ain't gonna let you make a habit out of this. Grab your purse. We're going to town." That devilish smile appears on her pixie face and I now know I'm way to deep in touble to fight her tricks. So, I stand up and grab my purse like a good little pet and follow my pixie master out the door.

The uber brings us to a stop in front of what I would call a seriously dodgy shop. Tinted windows, well, the one that it did have, the barred gate protecting the entrance... Dodgy...

"Where the hell are we, Page?" I suddenly question my pet like loyalty towards her.

"Shoosh, you'll see. This is just stop one." She states.

Oh boy.

She presses the buzzer and a rough, over smoked male voice sounds valls out making my insides cringe.

"Watchya want?"

"Here for a show." Say this devil pixie with the utmost of confidence.

A show huh? I think to myself. What kind of show requires a watchya want coming from an intercom at a barred front door?

The gate buzzer sounds and the gate unclicks.

Page yanks it open and without looking back at me, she grabs my elbow and pulls me in through the gate which she closes behind me.

It locks.


"Hey Page. When we get back can we have a chat about your language." I ask her remembering all the times I've threatened to have that chat with her in my head.

"Fuck no." She responds and drags me deeper into this dingy cave of I don't know what.

We walk down a corridor and then push our way passed a heavy curtain. The room beyond the curtain looks like a bar with high round tables. My eyes adjust more and I can see a few occupied tables with women who look just as dodgy as the building exterior, sitting at random tables.

My mouth drops open. Ontop of the tables where these women sit, is a naked man dancing on their table top. I'm talking full monty naked here.

Page turn and laughs at my facial expression and then drags me over to a set of couches closer to the opposite wall from where we are and sits me down.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now