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I stand in the shadows at the edge of the park and watch how my butterfly, flutters around with a magnificent smile on her face, so full of joy and laughter as she packs her bags into a car. I stand there watching her and her family and that irritating friend of hers climb, oblivious to me, into their car and drive off.

You might be driving away from me my butterfly, but I'll be with you all the way. I can't help think to myself with glee.

I turn on my heels and race to my room. I need to see which way my butterfly is flying for the holidays.

I storm through my door. Adrenaline pumping through my veins like sulphuric acid through a glass tube. These holidays will change everything. For both my butterfly and I.

I grab my map, spreading it out on my desk and place my crystal pendulum over it. I set the crystal in motion and watch the tip of the crystal swaying in circles.

I focus on her. It's so easy to pull up her image in my mind. I've memorized everything about her, the tone of her slightly olive, smooth skin, devoid of any freckles, her eyes, so deep. One brilliant evergreen eye full of mystery just like the densest pine forest. One bright blue eye, like the clear, shallow waters that beats the shores just off an exotic island, so translucent that you get to glimpse into her very soul. Her hair, so full of life that it's like watching the dancing flames of a bonfire, all the reds, oranges and yellows flowinging into each other making the most beautiful flames bounce around the rest of her gorgeous face. How beautiful my butterfly is.

I smile.

I open my eyes again and focus. I turn my attention back to the crystal which has now stopped.

I frown and look closer at both the map and the point of the crystal.

This is not possible.

I swing the crystal again gently and this time I keep an eye on it.

The acid in my veins becoming hot and unsettled with every swirl the crystal makes.

The crystal slows down, it's circles becoming smaller and tighter with each round and then it stops, in the exact place it did before.

"Impossible!" I shriek pushing myself away from the desk with utter disbelief pouring out of me having it turn me into a livid beast.

I watched her drive away! Why is this god for saken thing telling me she is still here? Why?!

I storm out my room and cross the campus like a hurricane, sparing nothing in my path. My eyes burning with anger.

I don't care if my eyes have turned purple or not. I don't care if the remaining lingering students see my skin darken with my rage. They need to get out of my way. I'd take them all out with just a wave of my hand.

I burst into the room my butterfly was staying in and look around.

It's empty.

I take a breath in, I walk deeper into the vacated room realizing her smell is still lingering in the air that's trapped in the room.

The breath I took in evaporates from my lungs as the smell of my butterfly sparks the inferno of my rage all over again.

Like a mad man, I rip open the cupboards and draws, leaving everything wide open like whores on show.

"Where is it!" I grind through my teeth. If it's not with my butterfly then it must be here.

I turn my bile towards the beds and flip the mattresses over.

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and my eyes catch a glimse of something dainty and shiney. My eyes glare their purple anger.

There, on the floor, under the bed is the heart shapped, tracking locket I had placed on top of one of my butterflies bags. She was meant to see it. She was meant to take it with her. She was meant to put the fucking thing on and parade it like a fucking gift!

My anger snapped in an instant as the reality of this situation hit me like a supernatural punch in the face.


With that punch in the face my hands grabbed anything and everything and brought things crashing down from the walls. By the time I had retrieved the amulet and walked out of the room, the beds, the mattresses as well as all the cupboards were scatted across the room as if a hurricane had indeed gone through there.

I got back to my room where I colided and crashed on to my chair, staring at the amulet I was holding in my hand.

"Why?" I grind out.

"Why can things not work the way they're fucking supposed to fucking work!" I yell and throw the amulet against the wall, shattering it.

My head drops into my hands and I grab at my hair, tugging at my strands, creating agitated spikes.

"Why? Why? Why? Why?" I grit out, sounding a bit like a brat but I don't care. My butterfly is now out of my reach which makes the acid in my veins burn even more.

I stamp my foot, hard, onto the floor before standing up and pacing, eyeing my surroundings out, looking for an answer.

Everything around me is now working on my very last nerve.

My face distorts into a grimace laced with complete disgust.

My hands again, grab, yank and throw things around.

Once I have mangled my room beyond repair. I stand in the middle of it, breathless and panting like a furious beast.

Still not satisfied.

I need a phoenix eye.

With that thought, my breathing slowly evens out.

No more playing nice. No more giving the benefit of the doubt.

No more mistakes.

I. Need. A. Phoenix eye.

"Everyone should be packed and heading out! Campus closes in 30 minutes!"

I hear someone call out in the hallway.

I grimace.

Another delay. I hate delays. I've been without what is mine for too long.

I look at my devistated room and wave my hand.

"To the woods we go, then." I say and give another wave of my hand.

I walk out the door and I am calmed, slightly, that I am back at my house, surrounded by forest. A thick canopy of trees hiding both my house as well as the sun, keeping in the darkness I treasure so much.

My mind going back to finding a phoenix eye.

There are only two witches I know of who have access to a phoenix eye.

Not wanting to take any chances, I will go to both and barter.

I close my eyes, wave my hand in a circle and chant to open a portal to the closest of the two witches that has what I need and step through the portal to the  other side.

I watch the place I need to go into with a hawks eye. Witches have an annoying tendency to attract other witches and they all have ears on everything going on aroumd them. Like a fucking ant colony where no-one can hide anything and I am not in the mood for a bunch of gossip mongers knowing what I am up to.

I cross the road towards my destination.

I mutter a concealing spell to keep the eavesdroppers at bay before grabbing the door handle  and walk into the place.

The air is somewhat clear with just a slight undertone of alcohol and whatever dish is the special of the day.

I walk over to the bar situated at the other end of the place, it's busy but not yet bustling and I clear my throat to get the bartender's attention.

"What can I do for ya?" The man asks, hardly looking up and still whiping the counter top.

I wait until this man can show me a bit more fucking respect by actually looking at me.

When he does, I smile politely and ask him. "Is Pipper in?"

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now