Gran's Tale

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At the beginning of time, the Moon Goddess had fallen in love with the Sun God. It was a typical Romeo and Juliette story where the love that they had for each other was not meant to be.

Both families forbidding their love and doing their best to keep the couple apart and when their attempts were failing, the Sun God's father turned to the dark shadows to aid in keeping the two separated.

Out of the dark shadows came magic and with this new magic came the birth of all warlocks and witches a like.

When the shadows eventually confronted the madly in love couple, they learnt that the Moon Goddess was carrying the Sun God's child. Knowing that the couple's parents would severely punish them, they struck a deal with the couple. Their secret would be kept safe if and only if they relented seeing each other.

Concerned for their unborn child the couple had no choice but to agree. However, the dark shadows were not to be trusted fully for they were they kind that would not do something out of the goodness of their hearts. They didn't have one. And so the deal was sealed by darkness touching the soon to be swollen belly of the Moon Goddess.

This is how the supernaturals came to be. The Moon Goddess' first born was a shifter by the name of Kyronas.

He was the strongest and most powerful of his kind. Not a wolf shifter but a panther shifter.

The dark shadows would follow him his entire life until he fell head over heals with one of the shadows very own.

The witch was the first to be born from the magic created, when the Sun God had first come to them for assistance. She was one of the most beautiful and most unique witches to have ever existed, with her long wavy hair, the color of the first flames which were brought to the earth's surface. Her eyes, one as green as a precious emerald that would watch over the darkness and one pure cerulean blue to spy on the light of the world.

Kyronas and the witch were mortal enemies for millennia, however, the battles they fought against one another seeded feelings other than hatred between the two and those feeling only grew stronger.

Soon enough they were meeting secretly. Away from prying eyes and exploring each other in all the ways their desires would allow.

The witch conceived and the news spread of their union, creating wide spread panic amongst the supernaturals as the pairing of two such powerful entities was forbidden.

The dark shadows came forth once again in order to protect the couple and their unborn child, in the form of a guardian, who's name was Cain.

Cain's line of descendants were the new hybrid bloodline's protectors, generation after generation, hiding them from the world.

After time, the hybrid bloodline was all but forgotten by everyone except it's protectors, written down and documented only by Cain's descendants on scrolls which were kept hidden by each generation as each new child was born into the bloodline.

One of Cain's descendants , a young boy by the name of Dakarai was born. When he came of age he swore an oath as had all the protectors before him had to stand in the shadows, watch and protect the hybrid bloodline by any means necessary.

In doing his duty he came face to face with a stunning young girl with hair as orange as the sun itself and eyes as green as the pine trees of the surrounding forest. He watched her grow up and with each passing year, fell deeper in love with her. But his love was unrequited and he painfully watched her, under his sworn oath, fall in love with another shifter. A shifter the Moon Goddess had chosen for her. Her one true mate.

He could not take it. He had been sitting in the shadows watching over her for her entire life and now he had to let her go, to live life with another man. It wasn't fair. Why could he not have her? He wanted her and could not understand why he was not allowed to have her. His anger grew and grew until he appeared before her and demanded her to love him.

With tears constantly ruining her beautiful face, she refused him and cried out for her mate.

Breaking his oath to the shadows, he kidnapped the firely beauty and tried to hide her and keep her for himself. He desperately hoped that she would one day accept him and love him the way he loved her.

While doing everything in his power that he could to make her fall in love with him, he discovered that she was carrying her true mate's child and it sent him into a dark jealous rage.

Not even his magic could change the situation. She didn't love him. She had to love him. He would not and could not accept anything else. She would learn to love him, even if it killed her. He would not allow her to be touched by another man as long as she had breath in her lungs.

"How dare you defile your body like that! You are mine!" He would hiss at her and then storm out before his anger could come to his hands. She was too beautiful for a hand to strike.

His anger did not ease over time but grew worse. His jealousy tormented him while watching the bump on her belly grow.

She was his yet she still wasn't. Infuriated and at the end of his tether, not being able to cage his ever increasing rage, he brought his hands to the growing bump of her belly and began to  mutter his curses. Day after day, week after week he kept up his ritual of cursing until his magic finally took the last breath from her.

His pent up anger turned to disgust as he looked upon her stilled body. With that disgust he no longer wanted her, she was now useless to him. Looking at her, he scowled, as he carried her pregnant body out into the woods and called through the night for her mate to come.

He threw her body at the feet of her mate and swore to him that he would return to claim the child she had inside her and vanished into the darkness before her mate could retaliate against him or his promise.

That night, a baby girl was born. One green eye, one blue. A dark purple line decorated the length of her nose, a promise from a madman that she belonged to him and that he would be back to claim her.

With that painful promise, her father left her in the forest.

By the light of her full moon, the Moon Goddess watched over the tiny infant, waiting for her new life to begin...

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