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College was exactly as I had thought it would be. The hussle and bustle of students making their way to and from classes, gathering in groups absolutely everywhere, in front of classes, sprawled across the lawns on the edge of the park, in front of the oddly placed campus buildings and of course anywhere and everywhere close to anything that sold food.

Just like high school, the clubs and fraternities aided in separating the jocks and cheer leaders from the nerds and weirdos, yet somehow there was less tension and competition between the groups.

Whirlwind parties would flow all nights of the week and I found myself turning Page's invitations to them down more times than not.

"Aaarh, really! Come on Neb, you haven't been out all week!" Page was trying her best at guilt-trip negotiations. "It's almost the end of semester and you still haven't gotten laid." She adds with a puppy dog face, like my sex life was her mission and she clearly couldn't comprehend my reluctance towards the male campus population.

"No. We have exams coming up." I stated bluntly. This isn't the first time this semester that she's tried her antics to get me to a party, get me drunk and palm me off on some highly inebriated guy who wouldn't even recognise his own hand in front of his face let alone a girl. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the volitile pixie who had become both my best friend as well as my tormentor.

"Please, please, please, please..." Page begs as she plops herself on my bed next to me and drops her head onto one of my bent knees. "I heard Dakarai is going to be there." She slides out with a teasing smirk on her face and wiggles her eyebrows up and down like an idiot who thinks they've picked up on a secret.

Ah, Dakarai. The campas playboy. Considering he seemed to be a bit of a lone wolf and wasn't a jock, the girls here were relentlessly throwing themselves at him. Every party he would leave with a different giggling mess of a girl who was way too giddy to care that she was not the only one to have been taken back to his dorm room.

I roll my eyes at Page. "Didn't you have your turn two weeks ago." She's insane if she thinks she will get a round two out of him. I've never seen him with the same girl twice.

"Who said I wanted him." She says with a rather disturbing playful tone to her voice. "You've not been to college until you've spanked the campas playstud." She carries on stating her case, while she slinks off the bed and stands in front of me. Her hands finding her hips. "Call this initiation, girl, but it's now time you step up to the plate and dive into the joys of being an adult."

I could tell that she wasn't going to let this one go. So with a resignated sigh, I push the books off my lap and look at her.

"Ok, fine. But if you so much as try palm me off onto that man, I swear, you'll wake up tomorrow with not a strand of hair on your head." I threaten her with as much muster as I could find.

Page runs her hand over her hair with a faked shock expression plastered on her face." You wouldn't dare, besides you have no razors left I used the last one this morning." She gleams back after sharing her facts. Making me growl and toss a pillow at her.

With that, the new arguing came from my choice of clothing. Something Page wouldn't have. She tossed my clothes to one side on the floor of the room and headed for her closet. She swung open the door and stood there with her finger tapping her bottom lip as she scanned the line of hanging dresses.

"No! No, I am not wearing a dress..." I firmly state to her back which ignores my growing frantic rant. "If you're going to drag me to this thing then no dresses or you can go by yourself." I finish off, making her devious pixie shine through.

"Ok. Your jeans, but I choose the top. No arguments." She narrows her eyes at me to see if I am going to protest. This time I won't, that pixie inside of her wins every argument, without fail.

"Fine." I tell her turning around and digging my pair of jeans out from the pile of my clothing she made on the floor.

By the time I turn around, she was gleaming at me like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wanderland and in her hands is a shiney, silver, sequenced piece of material. My eyes move from the cloth to her face, not as impressed with her choice as she is. As she sees my resignation, her one hand comes up, palm facing me, stopping my words in their tracks.

With her eyes closed and her head turned to the side, she states, "We had a deal. I'm not taking no for an answer." She then proceeds throwing the tiny, shiney cloth at me.

I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time tonight and change into her choice of top. We help each other with our hair and clamber over the same taste in makeup.

I headed to the bathroom to change out my contact lens when Page came barreling in making me jump slightly.

She stood at the door staring at me with a wide eyed fascination.

"Oh. My. God! Neb!" She said dragging out one word at a time. Making me self conscious and look down at the sink I'm leaning on.

"No. No. No. No. Noooo. You are not hiding those." She adds stepping into the bathroom, pointing a finger at me before wedging herself between me and the sink.

"Oh my god Neb, you have the most beautiful eyes ever!" She gushes pulling my face up to look at her with her hands framing my face.

She smiles genuinely, "I would kill to have metrochronia."

"Heterochromia." I correct her.

"Whatever. Two eye colours! And not just any girl, you have blue and green! My fav colours." She burst with excitement.

"I thought black and naked were your fav colours." I tease her trying to change the topic at hand so she would move out the way and let me put the new contact in.

"If you hide those tonight, Ima be pissed. I'm talking, you took my popcorn pissed." She almost hisses at me.

We both laugh and with a bit of mirror glaring, I conceed and pack my contacts away. Just for tonight. Maybe people would think my actual eye colour were just contacts and a part of my outfit. At least I hope that's what they'll think.

"You lucky bitch." Page chuckles while nudging me with her elbow. "I can't believe you hid those from me." Her heartfilled honesty made me smile with a bit more confidence.

With a few sprays of perfume and a quick glance in the mirror we finish off with the final touches to our outfits before we head out our dorm and across the rather large park which occupied the centre of the campas. The layout of the campas was odd to say the least. It seemed circular. In the centre, a huge park with random benches and a pathway that would make the staircase at Hogworts seem easy to navigate. The park was surrounded by a road as if it were one giant traffic circle and on the other side of the road were all the campas buildings with the dorms inbetween the other buildings. Like I said, odd.

The closer to the edge of the other side of the park we got, the louder the music became and with that I knew I couldn't turn back. My heart started racing in time and strength with the base of the music being played. My hands became clammy and slick and my stomach felt like it was starting to churning butter. My nerves must have shown their endings on my face because Page soon enough rubbed my shoulders and pulled me into her side.

"Relax Neb. This isn't your first party. I promise I won't push you on Dakarai." She chuckles, thinking that that was the source of my anxiety. Truth was, it wasn't the thought of Dakarai that made me nervous. I actually couldn't find a reason for my sudden nervousness. It was just there...

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now