I Told You So

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Another hectic morning running the boarders with the rest of the boarder patrol. I find that my mind is racing to places that distract me too much to be here. So I take my leave and head back to the pack house.

I walk into my office and try the paper work scattered on my desk. I keep trying for another twenty minutes but nothing is helping.

The door to my office opens without being knocked on and in walks Cleo.

"Baby. Are you ok?" She slinks in through the door, gently shutting it behind her and struts around my desk and plants her ass on my paper work. Her legs framing mine. I have no desire for her to straddle me now. The only woman I'm interested in is the mate of mine who keeps appearing and disappearing in my room.

I push my chair back, giving me more room. I can't breathe aroumd Cleo any more. Her smell has become toxic to my senses and it inhibits my sanity. Which according to Isaac, I'm losing faster than my temper.

"What is it Cleo? I have work to do." I state bluntly.

"You never have time for me any more." She whines.

"I'm an alpha, Cleo. My pack and the work that needs to be done comes first." I tell her unforgivingly. "Now. If you'll excuse me. I have work to do. Close the door on your way out."

She groans like a salky brat before sliding off my desk and marching out, taking her displeasure out on my door.

I roll my chair forward and place my elbows on my desk and hold my head.

" Fuck." I mutter.

I kick my chair back and storm out of my office and head straight for my room. It's the only place I ever see her. I need to see her again.

"Alpha?" I hear Isaac call out behind me but I'm not in the mood right now. So I ignore him and shut my door behind me.

I sit on the edge of my bed leaning on my knees and stare at the nothingness where my mate always appears.

I drop my head into my hands. Goddess, please. I beg. I need to see my.

I'm cut off by a shocked squeal and my head shoots up.

This girl. Is sitting crosslegged, in her spot. Covering her face with her hands. However. In her one hand is a very unmistakable item. A nice bright ass yellow one.

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. She was the most unusual little thing ever.

She was here. Then it dawned on me. Every time she appeared she looked shocked. When she disappeared it was from shock.

Mental note, don't frighten her and she won't go anywhere.

My smile grew.

"What is in your hand, Nebula?" I ask as tenderly as I could with pure amuzement etched onto my features.

I watch her freeze. Then she drops her hands, making the dildo wobble slightly as it hits her leg.

I chuckle.

"Dude! No! Like why do I always end up here before the show's over." She says and I notice how red her eyes are.

I burst out laughing.

"Are you stoned?" I ask her, standing up slowly to not frieghten her.

"No. Do I look stoned to you?" She rolls her bloodshot eyes at me.

"Yes. You do." I tell her still trying to keep the conversation light.

She looks up at me slightly confused.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now