A Phoenix Eye

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This Pipper woman is annoyingly normal for a witch. It's her lack of magic use that gets to me. What's the point of having such power if you're not going to use it.

Ever since I came to her for a phoenix eye, I've been watching her. My gut doesn't like the woman, not one bit. She's too friendly and smiles too much.

I hate people who smile too much, I prefer women who scream. I smile at the memories from the college campus at all the young delicious girls screaming. Mostly my name but screaming none the less.

My eyes return to the tavern in front of me. There's just something about Pipper. It feels like she's keeping something from me and I will not have that.

Not once have I seen her make any move whatsoever to get me that fucking phoenix eye I asked her to get. My patience has its limits and it's coming to its end.

I'm about to walk across the road and go back into that tavern and demand the phoenix eye. I know she has one, when I see her coming out and climbing into a rust bucket of a car.

I click my tongue. "You're a fucking witch! Use some magic." I grind out in a half whisper. I mean, where is her pride?

I followed that untrustworthy, good for nothing witch, and watched as she eventually pulled up to an ordinary house. Ordinary if you didn't notice the Elm tree with it's trunk wrapped in morning glory, the suburban all American dream family home, white picket fense and all quaint looking house only with hemlock and witch hazel peeking out over the tips of the fense, wind chimes and colorfully decorated hex bags hanging from the eve of the narrow porch by the front door, the candles in every window sill.

A witches house...

Now why would Pipper come all the way out here? Surely she didn't keep her treasure trove of goodies at another witches house. That wouldn't be safe at all, now would it?

So who's house is this?

I watch her as she strolls over to the picket gate and saunters in her usual fashion towards the front door and knocks.

"What are you up to Pipper?" I question rhetorically.

Climbing out of the bubble I traveled in, I go stand behind a large bush which brings me closer to the house that Pipper is knocking at and gives me a better view of whoever answers the door. I want to see why she's here.

A smile stretches my lips.

"Aah... Now I see."

The man that answers the door, I recognize him from the last day at campus, he is indeed none other than my butterfly's father.

My smile widens.

"Well, well, well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise." I tell myself as I watch them enter the house.

So this is where my future lives, is it?

I move into the garden and find myself drawn and edging towards the back of the house where I can hear laughter.

I close my eyes and concentrate on all the voices, again, one is missing. I scowl at the lack of my butterfly's voice. Flooding my head with what seems to be my usual questions when it comes to her. She seems to be a rather slippery butterfly.

Before I can take their conversation in, my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket.

Annoying contraption, really.

As I answer I pull away from the house, it doesn't matter, the one I want is not there, but, I now at least know where she lives. This is good. Very, very good.

"What?" I grit into the phone.

"Dakarai? It's Maeve. I have what you are looking for." Came the voice of a middle aged woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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