"Ok. Spill!"

6 2 0

I'm standing. Just like every other time. Looking shocked. Motionless. Wondering just where in the world I was now.

I look around the room and find Page just staring at me completely and utterly dumb struck. Her arms slack at her side, one hand wrapped around her dildo, which drops to the floor. Her mouth open with no air going in or out of it.

Her eyes...

I'm dead meat.

Her eyes boring into me, screaming profanities at me and gushing with questions all at the same time.

She slowly stalks up to me, her eyes still burning their way through mine. Holding me there.

She places her hands on my shoulders and grips tightly. Either to make sure I'm really there or to make sure I don't vanish again, I couldn't tell but the grip was one of an eagles around it's prey.

With one step at a time she walks me backwards until the back of my legs hit the bed and she pushes me down to sit.

She takes a step back and narrows her eyes at me.

Oh god, I'm dead.

A thought pops into my still fuzzy mind and I too narrow my eyes at her.

"That wasn't green tea. Was it?" I question the cigarette she had rolled.

Her eyes break their narrowed glare and I can see the cogs in her brain turning. She looks back at me and lets out a shill laugh.

"Oh my god Neb! You thought that was green tea?" She holds her stomach with her hands now laughing uncontrollably.

I look into space slightly confused. At least her death glare was gone.

"You and I so need to talk." She finally says after calming her self down with a couple of 'oo' s' and 'aah' s' while breathing deeply and shaking her head.

She plants herself on my bed and sits crossed legged, facing me, so I do the same.

"Ok. Spill!"  She says, motioning with a hand to the area of the room where I had vanished from and reappeared at.

I begin to open and close my mouth like a fish at the water's surface. Trying to figure out how to explain something I know nothing about.

She sees me struggling and throws her hands up in a 'wait' gesture.

So I close my mouth once again and wait.

She clambers off my bed and goes to get us the bottle of tequila. Popcorn and tequila, without it I think Page would shrivel up and die. She also grabs another one of her hand rolled cigarettes.

She meant business.

With an amuzed look washing over my face I watch her as she sits back down, takes a swig of the tequila straight out the bottle, her face distorts in the usual way people's faces distort after taking a shot of the party starter and passes the bottle over to me.

Oh boy. Here we go.

I take a swig and yes my face distorts too.

There is complete silence as she lights up her smoke, takes a drag, and passes it to me. I do the same.

This is going to be interesting, if it doesn't all come out as one long drunken slur like the ones I'm getting used to speaking.

Two girls building up the courage and imagination in order to try and figure out and explain the unexplainable.

Once the tequila was warming our bellies and loosening our tongues and the weed was keeping us calm and focused, we began.

The first silence breaking words came flying out of Page's mouth.

"Neb. What the fuck!"

"Like fuck, you're there then you're not there. Did I just see that shit." As she says this she examines the weed she has between her fingures.

"This must be some good shit Jared got in." She adds with enough of a facial expression to make me barrel with laughter.

I can't help but think that she's taking this better than I did.

Her dizzy focus then returns to me...

Ok, Page. Ready or not here it comes...

With a loose tongue and the weed coating my brain like truth serum everything and I mean everything came pouring out of me.

Knowing that Page had seen it happen with her own eyes made me come to the conclusion that this whole crazy scenario was not a delusion and there was no amount of tequila that would make me go back to that conclusion.

Thirty minutes later, of me jabbering away nonsensically and kind of hysterically, as hysterical as weed can produce, my crazy story came to an end and silence resumed, engrossing me with worry. What would she say? Would she think I'm a lunatic?

I look at her waiting for her to grab her phone and make a call for the nearest mental asylum to come pick me up and wrap me in a 'I love me' jacket.

She doesn't.

She sits there deep in thought. Her lips twitching as she bites them from the inside. Her eyes looking around the room and occasionally at me.

She takes another deep swig from the bottle.

I can tell that this is a lot for her to take in. It is for me too. I think I prefered thinking it was nothing more than my over stressed imagination. It would be easier to deal with. Docotor would have probably diagnosed me with something like paranoid schitzophrenia, given me drugs and sent me home.

"So is he hot?" Her words brought me out of my self pitty party of one.

"What?" I ask.

"The dude who's bedroom you end up in. Is he at least hot?" Her mouth and nose pulls up on one side as if to tell me that it would totally suck if he wasn't.

"Drop dead fucking gorgeous!" I blurt out the truth.

Her eyes peak with intense interest. "Describe." Is all she demands before we are both tackling the bottle and Page rolls more of her smokes.

"Oh my god. He has these beautiful amber eyes. Page, I thought honey looked delicious, but those eyes...." I hear her giggle at my words. I take it as encouragement to carry on. So I do. Rattling off about how beautiful the guy was.

After deliriously sharing all the details of everything and everyone involved, I was left feeling not only lighter from being able to share my paranoia with someone but that someone was still laughing and talking to me without judgement. I felt lucky. Lucky to have made such a good friend.

My mood went from excited to emotional and I flung my arms around Page and hung onto her tightly.

Understanding, she wrapped her arms around me too and the two of us collapsed down onto my bed and we just lay there giggling and hugging each other.

"So. If we are to get you laid. We need to keep you calm. Huh?" Page says making us both guffaw loud enough to make our entire frat house shake.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now