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Today was one of those long ass days that just didn't seem to want to end. No matter how busy it was.

Again, we had rogues on the boarders testing my patience. This has been going on now for nearly two weeks. They get close, they tease, then they run off like a bunch of cowards.

They're definitely up to something but what?

I rub my face with the palms of my hands, still slightly gritty from shifting.

After being tied at the boarder for most of the day, I didn't even bother cleaning up before seeking refuge in my office.

I drop my head back against my chair as I sit lethargicly behind my desk. I scan the papers scattered all across it's surface and sigh.

Knocking makes my eyes shift from the littered surface to the door.

"Come in." I drag out like I've just woken up.

"Alpha." Greets Isaac, my beta. "Man, you look like shit." He adds with a chuckle.

"Did you come here just to tell me something I already know?" I raise an eyebrow with much effort and eye my friend out.

"When last did you get laid?" He interrogates.

"Why is my sex life any of your concern?" I question back.

"You've been grumpy as all hell these passed couple of weeks." He raises his hands as he could see I was about to not hear him out. "More than usual. I recon you need to let off some steam before you scortch the boarders."

I know he's right. I haven't been myself lately over and above the rogue issue. I've been purposefully avoid a certain alpha's daughter ever since the meeting we had with the surrounding packs.

I close my eye... Beautiful, long, soft, blonde hair. Big, doe, brown eyes, framed by dark lashes. Her smooth pale skin, wrapping itself around a perfect, hour-glass figure.

With my eyes still closed, picturing the bomb-shell, I tell Isaac that he's right. Making him smug. I chuckle at him before threatening to drag him out my  office by the scruff of his neck if he doesn't leave.

"I'll.... Just go tell a certain blonde that you're looking for her." He says earning him a growl from me, which earns me in turn a hearty laugh and a slammed door.

I get up off my chair and head to my room on the third floor to clean myself off so that I at least don't taste like dirt for the beauty that my beta would definitely go call.

I climb out the shower and walk into my room just as a soft knock sounds on the door. I smile knowingly and head to open the door, not bothering to dress first. I have no intentions of playing around tonight. Tonight... I'm going to fuck a gorgeous blonde until she can't walk for then next three days.

"Hello Alpha." She sings as her eyes land on me.

"Cleo." I stand back from the door I've just opened and watch her slink into my room. My smile widens as I shut the door behind her.

Without waiting for her to do or say anything. I grip her by her hips and pull her to my chest.

"Strip. Now." I ordered her and walked over to sit at the edge of my bed so I could watch the show I just orderd.

Without hesitation and lust written all over her, she slowly pulls the straps of her thin, short summer dress over her shoulders, one at a time. As her dress falls to the floor, I'm already licking my lips at the sight of the soft smooth skin of her stomach.

Her hands reach around her and she seductively unclips her bra as she takes steady steps closer to where I'm sitting. Nevermind licking my lips, I can already feel my erection tensing underneath the towel wrapped around me.

She throws her bra off to one side and I'm faced with more that a handful of firm, round mounds.

"Get on your knees." I order her again.

I wake up feeling over heated and uncomfortably sweaty and toss the covers aside. As I lay there in the dark my senses come back to me and the smell of sex lingers heavily in the air. A smile finds its way to my lips as I look over and see the darkened shape of a sprawled out blonde next to me, taking up most of the bed. My smile widens at the thought of her definitely not being able to walk for the next couple of days.

My attention goes back to the ceiling above my bed. I need another shower.

I swing my legs off the side of my bed and head to my bathroom as quietly as I can, leaving the lights off so that I don't wake the gorgeous star fish laying in my bed.

I reach for the shower door and glide it open, flip the shower handle up and adjust it to the heat setting I'm in dire need of and climb in.

I let the barely warm water cascade over my shoulders and down my back, feeling only slightly better than what I felt in weeks, yet, not completely satisfied. My thoughts go back to the woman laying in my bed. The girl in my bed isn't my mate. I'm 25 years old and haven't even come close to finding my mate. It's never a good thing for an alpha to be without a luna. It hasn't affected my ability to run my pack efficiently but it does catch up to me from time to time. If I haven't found my mate this late, then the woman in my bed would be a good settlement. She's hot... And she takes orders well. Another smile captures my lips. Very well.

With those thoughts, I switch the shower off and climb out. I grab a towel to dry off but I end up hardly using it at all, thinking I'd head to my balcony and dry off naturally. It would help me cool down too.


I turn the handle of the door to my bathroom and open it.

I freeze.

It might be dark in my room but I know my surroundings. There's movement in my room and it's not from my bed.

Maybe it's Cleo. Maybe she's gotten up. If she's trying to find her underwear then she clearly hasn't been sexed enough. With a smirk on my face, thinking I'm about to catch her in the act of trying to sneak out, I decide to turn the bathroom light on.


The light spreads softly across the one half of my room, leaving the rest in darkness and I stare.

What the fuck!

How the fuck!

Who the fuck!

A set of innocent, blue and green eyes, framed by a firey, orange wave of hair, are staring at me. Is she clutching books in her arms? Out of pure shock the only thing I could do was stand there like an idiot as naked as the day I was born and stare at the marvel a few feet away from me. A rather rushed cluster of emotions shoots through her eyes, first I see shock matching mine. Then confusion. Then I swear those eyes were checking me out.

She stands there motionless, besides her eyes dropping down my body, inch by inch.

"Baby..." I hear Cleo's voice, filled with sleep, come from my bed's direction.

I turn my head to look at her and quickly turn back to the firey beauty.


How the hell. Where did she go? Without acknowledging Cleo. My feet pull me to where the stranger stood and the only evidence of someone being there was a delicious smell of hyassinth and coconut.

What in the name of the Goddess just happened.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now