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It's been about three weeks since I ran from Dakarai's dorm room and I've been trying my best to avoid him out of pure embarrassment. I'm sure there is a bit of truth to his last words too, which I can't say doesn't scare me.

Page on the other hand... She found my rendition of my morning after, walk of shame hilarious. I can still hear her guffaw echoing in my ears. So, I've kept my head low, covered in a hoodie and baggy sweats, kept to my busy schedule of classes, club meetings and drowning myself in the ocean of books in the campus library. I've also been rejecting every invitation Page has flirted my way to go to another party. Besides me trying to avoid the man, I also haven't quite shaken that stomach churning panic which since the last party I went to, has only seemed to have gotten worse.

Pathetic really, now that I walk out from the library only to stand dead in place looking around at the now dark sky above me and a badly lit park in front of me. The park... The only thing keeping me from the safety of my dorm room.

The panic starts to slowly creep in as I stand on the library steps.

Why are you so paranoid Nebula? I question myself, thinking that I'm actually going to get an answer. I've even brought this up in one of my telephone calls with my mom and she couldn't seem to figure it out either, brushing it off as nerves for the coming exams.

As I follow the park's pathway, with my eyes, leading deeper into the depths of the park my imagination starts running through every scenario of every horror movie I've ever seen. My head already starts looking for an alternative route back to my dorm but comes up blank.

"It's just a park, Nebula." I verbalize, rather exasperated with myself. "Campus security guards are around. What could possibly happen?" I carry on with my vocal monolog.

With an internal eye roll at my unwarrented paranoia, I step off the library steps and head towards the pathway that would lead to my dorm.

See! I mentally urge myself on even more. Nothing! Just a park.

My thought had just come to an end when I start getting the feeling that someone is watching me. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, a rush of goosebumps spreads across my arms, even though they're covered. The park suddenly becomes unnaturally quiet. So, I turn to look behind me. The library is no longer in view, which means I'm deep enough into the park where security wouldn't see me.


I freeze.

I look around slowly trying to look through all the blackness inbetween the trees.

Look up you idiot! I mentally yell at myself. So I drag my head back to have a better look at the trees which hang over the pathway.


I'm going mad. I tell myself but still increase my pace as I make my way forward again.

I stop again.

I swear I just heard foorsteps.

Watch tomorrow there's going to be a headline in the student paper about the girl that went missing in the campus park. Like really? Of all the places a girl could go missing. The campus park? I roll my eyes again before I hear another twig snap.

Oh hell no. I tell myself and start running. The foorsteps I heard before were now keeping up with my pace behind me, but I've seen too many horror movies where the girl looks behind her, only to slow down and be eaten by the hideous whatever is chacing her. Besides, the way my body had been acting up, I'd probably end up face palming the gravel.

My panic fuzzes my head to the point that I can't tell just how far into the park I am, so out of pure desperation my feet drag me off the pathway and into the cover of the trees.

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