Pipper's Visit

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"Ok! So, now try to think like a jaguar." Instigates a very excited Brent, legs spread, bent at the knees, his torso leaning forward as if he was stuck between talking to a group of little leaguers before a game and ready at the starting line of a 100 meter sprint, as he encourages his daughter out in the back yard who is trying hard to recount how she managed to shift the first time.

Brent's arms stretching out towards his daughter in anticipation, while his wife comes walking out of the house behind him with a tray filled with coffee mugs and plates of all sorts of sugary goodness.

"1. 2. 3. Go!" She teases her husband as she places the tray down on the garden table, sending her husband forward a couple of steps before he stops, realizes what he's just done and turns to face her with pursed lips and narrowed eyes.

"Really," He states blandly, "I'm trying to get Pumpkin to shift." He adds with an eye roll.

"Could've fooled me the way you took off there. I thought you were getting ready to to play catch." Bridgette continues to tease him more.

"I only play catch behind closed doors." He began his retort, "With you." He adds with a wink.

"Love, the only thing you catch behind closed doors is a cold, you even call me to catch the criters while you stand frozen on top of whatever you've managed to climb on to." Bridgette amuses.

"Ok. Ok. Take it inside you two." Pages breaks up the 'behind closed doors' chat before things could get any more awkward between Nebula's parents and bringing their focus back on to the two girls standing in the middle of the yard.

Page then turns to Nebula and enquires, "Do we need to give you fright?"

"I don't know. I can't remember what happened the last time other than feeling really really hot and then so much pain I though my head was going to explode." Nebula acknowledges her friends question as she raises her arms and drops them again in frustration.

The conversation goes back and forth for a while in between sips of coffee and bites of biscuits as to what Nebula should do in order to initiate her shift, until Brent gets another bright idea of having Nebula imitate an actual jaguar.

Bridgette runs with her husband's idea and grabs her phone to Google the sounds that jaguars make. Just to make the whole senario seem a bit more realistic.

Page and Nebula look at each other with scepticism plastered across their faces.

"So, wait," Nebula starts to question her parent's sanity, "you want me to go on all fours and crawl around on the grass?"

Brent places a finger onto his chin in thought before reminding his daughter just how different they are in comparison to other people, "Hmmm, maybe rub up against the tree?" He looks at his wife for her approval.

"Ooo, yes! Then I'll play the recording at the same time." Her enthusiasm matched her husband's while looking at her daughter with eager eyes and a genuine smile.

Seeing that she was not going to win a battle of embarrassment, Nebula slowly gets up from her seat next to a now hysterically, laughing Page and makes her way to the middle of the grass yard before putting herself down on her knees and hands and raises her head to see her parents now at the edge of their seats, radiating their excitement.

Page, rolling around and jerking in her seat, like she was being electrocuted, holding her stomach, while her head has been thrown back eminating the kind of guffawing laughter that only she could let out.

As the anticipation from the three expectant spectators grows, Nebula's nerves starts to coil in her stomach putting her on edge. The longer it takes for her to actually shift, the more wound up she becomes.

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