My Poor Ears

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I find myself once again frozen stiff with my eyes clentched tight. Too frightened to see where the hell I was.

This time. I knew exactly where I was.

The sound of ruffling pricks my ears and then a frantic high pitched screaming ensued.

The scream at first came out as one long blood curdling, toe curling, hair frizzing screech that was loud enough to wake up the dead in graves on the other side of the solar system.

My little pixie had turned into a full blown, pure blooded banshee.

It changed after a few seconds because clearly the banshee needed to breathe, so after a hefty intake of air, the screams came out in ear piercing quick successions and they only got louder and more high pitched as they went on.

Now I really didn't want to open my eyes. Just now, I find myself in some tunnel with a wailing skin walker looming at me from the shadows.

The need to open my eyes became apparent when something half hard and half fluffy hit my shoulder. A slipper, maybe? Did Page just throw a slipper at me?

My agitation came out as a growl which seemed to fuel the banshee's deafening screams and the infload of items hitting me.

I backed up as far as I could and peeked a look at what was going on.

A freaked out and terrified Page was standing on her bed, periodically scraping the wall she had pressing herself up against, looking more like she was trying to scale the wall like a failed spiderman scene and then randomly grabbing what ever was close enough to her hands and throwing that whatever in my direction.

A plush teddy found her hand and with yet another frantic scream she hurls the plush teddybear at me, although you could see that her screaming was taking most of her strength as her throw was so far off, I actually turned my head to see where it had landed.

I would have prefered the plushy to have hit me than the slipper. Those things hurt like a bitch.

Too preoccupied with where the plushy had landed, I didn't realize that the screaming Page had momentarily stopped screaming, watching me look for the plushy, this gave her enough time to grab another item and this time throw it with a little more accuracy.

I growled again when it hit me square on the head.

Page then found a refreshed set of lungs and plunged herself into yet another hysterical screaming frenzy.

Realizing that the words I was trying to say were coming out more like animalistic growls and groans, I look down and see I still have very black, firry and clawed paws. The shock makes me back up until there was nowhere for me to go.

Instant panic sends a mantra through my head.

'Please make me normal, please make me normal.'

Closing my eyes and trying to picture me in my very missed human form.

I was so lost in trying to wish that I was back to normal that I only came to the conclusion that my mantra actually worked when I heard the now rough and strangled voice of Page.


I opened my eyes and saw Page was still plastered up against the wall, eyes blood red and tears running down her cheeks, but no longer screaming blue murder.

I look down at my hands and see they were back to my normal human ones. That's when I felt my butt cheeks squashed up against something too cold for comfort. I look back and see my naked ass squished tightly into the corner of the wall. I dropped down grabbing at my blankets, hiding underneath everything Page had managed to find and throw at me.

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