Holidays With A Friend

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Oh my god! I can't believe my aunt has agreed to let me spend the holidays with Neb. I know technically I can spend it where ever I want but usually I go help Aunt Pipper at the tavern during the semester breaks.

This is going to be fun. I tell myself and showcase the naughtiest smile I have in my display cabinet.

I saunter over to the table where Nebula is sitting. She's trying very hard to gingerly sip a very hot cup of coffee, seemingly getting bitten with each attempt she makes.

"What are doing?" I grill her just as she gets bitten again after having a short, quick shlurp at her mug.

"It's fucking hot!" She protests.

"I'm such a good influence on you" I tell her at her using more colourful language and then laugh.

"Is now a good time to have that chat about your language?" She implores.

"Fuck no!" I blurt out as I plop down on a seat at the table.

We both laugh and she takes one more shlurp.

"Oh for heavens sake, add more milk!" I squeal, grabbing the jug and sliding it closer to her.

She eyeballs me out through the rising steam with her lips perched at the mug's rim.

"Can't." She says, looking back at the steam wafting into her face. "It's hot milk." She shlurps.

I raise an eyebrow at her and chuckle. "So, I need to sit here listening to you shlurping? Great!" I say, then look over to the bar and shout if Eddie can make me a cup of coffee too. I figure if she's going to shlurp then I am too. Fuckit.

"So what did your aunt say?" She presses.

Just before I can answer her, my aunt, just like my friend, appears randomly out of thin air, placing two, overly, large paper bags onto the table.

"My girl." She captures Nebula's attention. "If you're brave enough to want this one to spend the holidays with you. I recon you're gonna need these." She says nodding to the paper bags.

"This one!" I retort. Gripping a bag with a finger and pulling the edge of the paper down.

"Tequila!" I shout and jump up out of my seat and throw my arms around her neck and place a sloppy, fishy kiss slap bang in the middle of her cheek.

Aunt Pipper's head is thrown back as she shills with laughter making everyone in the tavern laugh along with her.

With our coffees completely shlurped out and hugs and kisses passed around and our two treasures of bags of alcohol tucked safely within our arms, the two of us heads out and back to the dorms. We've already packed because a visit to Aunt Pipper is always a full day affair and the campus closes today at the strike of 3.

By the time we get back, Nebula's parents are already there waiting for us. So it was a quick run up to the dorms to grab our things.

As we barrel into the room with an excited surge of energy, we trip and tumble over all the bags, spraying them everywhere.

"Are you two sure you haven't opened any of those bottles you just put in the truck?" A chuckling Aunt Bridgette interrogates the two of us, who are now sprayed across the floor along with our bags.

"Promise Mrs. Shaw." I laugh in response as I try and get back up, while I have a suitecase up my ass and a bag under my arm.

Mr. Shaw slinks in through the door, around his wife and starts untangling the two of us from our bags and then exists with hands full, "I hope you plan on sharing. You do know that sharing is caring, don't you?" He offers out over his shoulder while giggling like a girl all the way out the door.

Aunt Bridgette bursts out laughing at him telling him that if we don't share she'll make us sleep in a tent in the back yard without an air mattress or flashlights.

I look at Nebula shocked and she seems just as shocked.

Confused. Did her mom mean that or is the shock on Nebs face from them wanting to share our alcohol.

My internal questions were answered when Nebula opens her mouth.

"Since when do you two drink?" She grills her mom.

"Since we have a guest and free alcohol, Honey." Aunt Bridgette responds bluntly.

I burst out laughing making Nebula look at me and shake her head.

"You learn something new everyday." She says still shocked at her mother's comment.

All our bags were now in the trunk and as we walk out I turn back to give the room a quick once over. Nothing left and all cleared from what I can see.

I close the door and head down to the car, where we pile in and head to the Shaws home.

The ride there went quicker than I'd thought probably because we were having so much fun in the car.

Aunt Bridgette was singing to songs she by no means should know and Uncle Brent whistling at all three of us when all three over emphasize the curse words in the songs.

I could see why Nebula irrevocablely loved and adored her parents. They were a hoot! They reminded me of Aunt Pipper. Too hip for their age and yet hip enough to hang with.

Even though the ride went quickly it was still quite late by the time we got to their home, so Uncle Brent offered to go and get take out. Only, there was one condition attached to the deed.

What was the condition you ask. Well, we needed to set the dining room table up with a board game and have a bottle of whatever had been packed in the brown paper bags and shot glasses ready.

Bonding time he called it.

I looked over at Nebula and grinned like a cheshire cat.

"This is going to be fun." I tell her and grabbing her hand to go find a board game that would go well with tequila.

"30 Seconds. Really?" Questions Nebula at my choice of game.

"What, seeing a bunch of drunkards trying to describe something without saying what they're describing is hilarious!" I retort but my eyes land on a box with the words 'Shit happens' on it. I grab the box. "This one!" I shriek. Nebula laughs and agrees with my choice of game.

On the way to set it up I can't but questuon her observation skills. "How can you have a game called shit happens and not expect your parents to drink?"

She didn't answer but she did laugh harder at my confusion.

The game was all set up. A shot glass at each seat and the bottle of mouth-watering tequila gold sitting to one side. We're all set.

Uncle Brent walks in with a couple of packets emitting the smells of all sorts of tasty treats.

"I forgot to ask what everyone wanted." He says holding the packets out to his sides. "So I got a bit of everything." He finishes.

"Better not have forgotten sushi." Aunt Bridgette calls out from the kitchen where she was taking out plates.

"No! I would never." Says Uncle Brent with slight distress. He, in a flash, drops the packets onto the dining room table and frantically checks all it's contents, before his wife could notice, letting out a silent sigh of relief when he spots the tray of sushi.

Nebula and I giggle at her father's panic and take our seats at the table.

Aunt Bridgette walks in and sets down the plates while Uncle Brent unpacks all the delicious morsels.

With everything and everyone ready. It was time to play some games.

Shit Happens.

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