Round Two

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With another hearty, indepth, yet very vague, discussion about my now persistent, failing mental health issue with my mother over the phone. I try and press my urgent need for answers without letting out too many details of what is actually happening. With my mother being as sound minded and logical as she is, she delves into explanations of what stress can do to the body and the need to relax and take a breather. I'm sure she's sitting there reciting google posts from some medical blog.

"Honey. You don't need to try so hard. It's only your first semester. You're supposed to be finding yourself and having fun." She tries to lecture me in the most adorable way.

"That's what I keep telling her Mrs. Shaw but she won't listen." Raps Page as I have my mother on speaker phone.

I drop my head into my hand thinking, how can I expect them to understand if I don't tell them what is actually going on. Not that I know what's going on. My brain has jumped to so many conclusions that I would sound like a raging lunatic if I were to divulge the details. So all I can do is accept my mother's google diagnosis of being over stressed.

"She needs to get laid Mrs. Shaw." Page raises her voice so that my mother can hear her clearly.

My mouth drops open at what she has just said. However, before I could say something in my innocent defense my mother's response shocks me even more.

"I couldn't agree with you more my girl."

I'm about to reprimand both of them when I hear my father's voice echo in the background.

"She is not getting laid until she's at least 45!"

My mother and the grinning, evil pixie in front of me burst out laughing.

"Thanks dad!" I yell back at him, thanking the gods they cannot see the blush that Page is now pointing out to me with a finger while she gulps for air from laughing.

"Why Mr. Shaw... You prude." Teases my mother on the other side of the phone.

"We'll see who's a prude once you've ended that call, dear." I hear my father's voice closer to the phone.

"Ok! Bye you two. Love you lots, miss you more." I blurt out at the thought of my parents getting fresh so close to the phone.

"Bye Honey! Love you too."

"Bye Pumpkin! Love you too." Both of them say at the same time and then I hang up.

"See. If your parents can then what are you so scared of?" Inquires Page with a hand on her hip and the other one messing my already messed hair.

"Aaaah. What's the big deal anyway. Virgin not virgin who cares." I try and brush her off.

"Oh. My. God. You're a virgin?" She screams jumping onto my bed and knocking me over, sending my phone flying to the floor. "No. No. No. I'm sorry but that has to change. Tonight." She pauses. " With Dakarai." She ends with her usual eyebrow wiggle.

"No! Hell no." I half shout in panic, standing up from the bed and trying to put space between her and I.

"Oh come on! He is so into you it's not even funny." Adding dramatic hand gestures she carries on with her determination to get me laid. "He's always checking you out. He hasn't left a party since your first encounter with any other chic! The female campus population is in devastation! You're clearly blocking the queue so you need to get it over with." She points out while laughing hard.

"No. I have an assignment to do, so I need to go to the library tonight." I tell her as bluntly as possible in hopes she would drop the whole thing.

"I tell you what." She says. I see her eyes narrow and I know I'm about to agree to something I'm not going to be happy about. "You can go to your library." She says stressing the word library. "But you're not allowed to sign any books out." She adds. Still with narrowed eyes. Those eyes drill down into the core of my being and challenges every sane fibre I have left in me and then they make me scared of the word no.

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