The Parentals

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"Oh, Honey! You're back. Just in time too!" Sings a now excited Bridgette as she walks out from the kitchen holding a tray of waffles. The mouth watering smell coming in to the room with her and surrounding them like an early morning at a patisserie.

Brent and Page clearly the last two to notice that Nebula had returned and was standing like a statue behind her chair at the dining room table.

"Come Honey. Take a seat before they all go cold." Implores Bridgette waving her daughter over to the table. "Then you can tell us all about your little escapade." She adds looking like a child standing before a chritsmas tree being held up by all the mysteriously wrapped goodies underneath it.

"Ooo. Yes! Should I make coffee quickly?" Adds Brent, jumping up and making his way around the table, grabbing Nebula in a proud hug and with an excitement that matches his wifes.

"Already done dear. You were clearly snoozing at the table." Starts Bridgette with her husband.

Page and Nebula look at each other and start having their non-verbal facial conversation. Nebula needing to catch up on what she missed out on when she teleported to Mateo.

From what Page was showing her with eye rolls and strangely awkward grins, as well as her parents being oddly calm and a tad weird, Nebula figured out that she was not in any trouble at all. She did however come to the conclusion that not only did she have some explaining to do but she also had a shit load of questions.

Now seated and having a waffle placed in front of her, she looks at her her parents with a sense of anticipation.

"Uh. Why are you two so calm? Shouldn't I be in deep shit right now?" Voices Nebula as she takes a bite of her waffle very very slowly, keeping her eyes glued to her parents.

Waffles to Nebula were like popcorn was to Page. Death to those who separate them.

"Oh, Pumpkin." Coo'd Brent. "It's exciting! It's not everyday you find out that your little girl is a teleporter!" He carries on saying practically jumping up and down in his seat. "Is there anything else you can do besides teleport, or is it just that? Where do you go when you teleport? How many places have you seen? How often does it happen and why on earth do you need to get a fright before the jump?" He fires off a copious line of questioning, wanting to know absolutely everything all at the same time.

A hand finds Brent's shoulder. "Calm down dear, you're going to scare our little girl. Look at how she looks like a dear caught in your headlights. Slow down and at least let her get one waffle down." Bridgette eases her husband before looking over to her daughter. "Your father hasn't been this excited since he saw me naked for the first time."

"Mom!" Nebula shrills before her and Page burst out laughing.

"I. Uh. Well. Uhmm. I still get excited, like for these waffles. Mmmmmm." Brent rushes through his defense not knowing what else to say other than taking a large bite of waffle.

For the first time, Brent sat there with a mouth full of waffle, blushing profusely and not knowing what to say. Making the other occupants of the room roar with more laughter.

With coffee, instead of tequila flowing around the table, sobering everyone up, the conversation was rather light hearted considering what had transpired. The Shaws were definitely not a normal family by any standards and tonight, tonight they were getting to know each other for the first time.

"Witches?" Inquires Nebula looking at her parents with fascination in her eyes. She would never have pegged her folks for being witches. They seemed too, too normal.

"Yes, Pumpkin." Brent assures her and then looks at Page. "Same as your Aunt Pipper." He states with just as much pride.

"Aunt Pipper!" Exclaims both Page and Nebula at the same time.

Bridgette chuckles watching the two girls as total surprise washes over them.

"Damn!" Says Page turning towards Nebula. "No wonder our parentals are so cool."

The coggs in Nebula's head start to slowly rotate as she still looks at Page. "But do witches, uhmmm, shift?" She inquires bringing her eyes to her parents sitting opposite from her.

"Shift, dear?" Bridgette stares at her daughter with intrigue.

"Yeah. You know like, into a bear or a rabbit?" Says Page helping Nebula fish for what is normal and what isn't.

"You can shift into a bear!" Shieks Brent with nothing short of pure delight.

"No. No. Not a bear." Says Nebula looking at Page and seeing her friend shrug.

"But you can shift? Right Pumpkin?" Asks Brent looking as if he would be heart broken if she couldn't.

"Ah. Yes?" Nebula's answer comes out more like a question and she observes the looks and expressions of both pride and utter joy her parents share with each other at her response.

Bridgette looks at her daughter with a toothy grin stretching across her entired face as she asks. "In to what Honey?"

Both Brent and Bridgette lean closer over the table, their eyes widening, not wanting to miss what their daughter would answer. This was like winning the jackpot of all jackpots for them.

"A. Fucking. Big. Ass. Pitch, black scary jaguar!" Shills Page before Nebula could find a more subtle way of telling them. Yet the way Page put it made the two girls laugh at the memory of Page standing on her bed, screaming and throwing things at her friend.

"And Page is a Banshee." Teases Nebula.

Brent and Bridgettes eyes shoot to Page. "Really dear?" They said in unison. Complete and utter fascination leaking through their every pore.

The girls just howl with laughter. After all, why not! Between them, they already had a teleporting jaguar with witches as parentals, why could they not add a banshee into the mix?

Brent drops back down into his chair, not realizing he had stood up with all the excitement going on, he felt like he was floating on little puffy clouds, so proud, so happy. "Well I never." He softly says before turning his eyes to his wife and taking her hand into his under the table.

Bridgette beyond happy that her unshed tears were making her eyes sparkle and shine. She smiled at her husband holding her hand and squeezed his a little tighter.

Their little family was whole. No more need for sectrets, no more need for hiding anything. Now, all they needed to do was to help and train their little one on how to control her new gifts.

That was going to be the easy part.

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