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I grabed the clearly drunk goddess's hand that was trying very hard to wave an accusatory finger at me.

She's adorable! Drunk but as adorable as fuck.

As my hand grabs hers, a realization hits me square in the chest like an unheld back, fury punch from my gamma Tyler.

She's real.

My eyes widen.

My heartbeats speed up.

So I pulled her towards me.

She's real.

My mind kept screaming at me.

She's real.

The tingling vibrations I felt flow from her tiny hand through my hand and up my arm was unquestionable.


My mate.

She's real.

In my excitement, I think I pulled her a bit too hard because her body came flying at me, both of her feet were taken off the ground. I brace myself to catch her but she vanishes into thin air.

What the fuck!

I spin around like a lost bafoon checking to see if she didn't go flying right past me. I mean, she was flying at one heck of a rate. I didn't mean to yank her right off of her feet like that.

"Fuck!" I yelled.

My next out burst of words that my mother would have slapped me silly for using brought a frantic knock to my door.

"What!" I growl in pure frustration and anger.

"Hey buddy. You ok? What happened." Asks a tired yet very concerned looking Isaac. Who once sees me, enters cautiously into my room.

I grab my hair with both my hands clawed with emotions.

"She was right here." My voice coming out strangled.

"Who was?" Isaac says trying to capture my shoulder with a steady hand.

I look at my friend and beta in the eyes and see confusion now seeping into his concern.

The look in his eyes was asking me if I'd completely lost it. The look in mine was probably pleading.

"Nebula." Was all I could say for the next couple of minutes while my friend stared at me with his growing worry.

"Ok. Explain." He says bringing me out of the stupor I was swimming in.

Isaac, walks me to the edge of my bed and returns to the door where he flicks the light on and closes the door.

"Do we need alcohol for this?" He inquires with a smile.

The thought of alcohol brings the memory of her stumbling back and forth and her feisty, slurring sass. I chuckle.

I just nod.

Isaac, runs out the room and brings back with him the bourbon from my office.

"How the fuck did you know where my bourbon was?" I look at him incredulously. Not only does he seem to know where my bourbon was, he fetched it in record time too.

He looks at me trying to make himself look as innocent as a young pup at crèche. "Uhhmmmm." He straightens himself out. "You've pulled it out your cupboard plenty of times." And then he smiles as if it were obvious.

"Mmm hmmm." I say, giving him a questionable look.

He ignores my look and pours us each a glass and fills the single couch across from my bed.

"So... This Nebula. Who is she? Where is she from? Is she the reason you've been ignoring Cleo for the passed week? When do I get to meet her?" He raps off his quick successive interrogation like a genuine father. He too is unmated so the fact that he is so familiar with such a line of questioning... Is questionable.

I down the liquid in my glass and feel the warmth slide down my throat. I reach my glass over for him to refill.

"Oh boy... Bad, huh?" He says leaning forward to refill my glass.

"You're about to think I've seriously lost my shit bad." I say sounding and feeling defeated, insane and aggitated all at the same time.

"I'm listening." He tells me putting the bottle between his feet and leaning his arms on his knees, either giving me his full and undivided attention or protecting the bottle of bourbon.

I tell him about the girl that appeared a week ago and then again tonight.

"So." He pauses. You're basically hallucinating about a fiery red head while you have a blonde in your bed." He tries to sum it up.

"Why the fuck would I imagine or hallucinate a drunk girl?" I blast at him.

"You.... Like em easy." He offers up with shrugged shoulders.

I chuckle. "Nice try numbnuts. She was real. I could smell her, hell, I touched her!" My frustration starts seeping through again.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you trying to tell me that this vanishing chic is your mate?" He asks me with complete disbelief written all over his face. "Are you sure, you're not just trying to get out of making a decision about Cleo?" He adds, trying to rationalize the situation.

"I wish." I say brushing both of my hands through my hair before grabbing the glass I had put down between my feet. "Why the hell would I make myself look insane just to let go of Cleo. I'm an alpha, I can just say no." I add in my defense.

"Hmmm... Pleading insanity is a more colourful way of doing it. It says, don't fuck with me I'm unstable and unpredictable." Isaac puffs out his chest and imitates someone who should be locked very securely away within padded walls. We both laugh.

"I'm not crazy Isaac. I know I'm not. I can't be. She felt too real. I could even smell the tequila on her breath." I say exasperated.

"Ok, so let's work with us assuming you're not crazy." He begins to say and I eyeball him out. "Wait. Wait. Before you go all alpha on my ass." He says raising his hands, his glass still gripped in one of them. "If she is real, how would she be appearing and disappearing? Why here? Why not in the bathroom or kitchen why in here?" His questions are the same ones I have. Only, I don't have those answers. Surely someone out there would be able to answer those questions?

"I don't know my friend but we need to find out." Is all I can offer the friend who is taking a huge leap of faith in me as both his best friend and alpha.

We need to find out or find her. One of the two. Before I go waywardly insane.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now