Need A Witch

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"Awe come on!" Shrills Isaac at the disappearance of Nebula. "Mat, man." His shrill turns into a whine. "You said not to frighten her and what do you go and do?" He rolls his eyes at the humongous black wolf, who now looks distraught. "You frighten her." Isaac throws his hands up in the air and then drops himself to the ground and crosses his legs.

"Aaaah. I think her own paws frightened her." Says a confused Tyler.

Isaac looks up at Tyler. With a confounded expression. "Her own paws? Really?"

"Well, yeah. Ok, ok she shat herself when Mat shifted but she was checking out her paws before going poof." Elaborates Tyler in a factly tone.

"Poof, huh? Is that your scientific word for her vanishing?" Asks Isaac incredulously. "Poof!"

Mateo shifts back and dresses himself in silence and then looks at the three men looking stressed.

"We need help." Says Mateo to non of them in particular.

"No shit." Agrees Isaac. "We need to stop her from going poof!" He adds looking at Tyler.

"Can you stop saying 'poof!' please. That makes it sound like she's stuck in some magic show with a shitty magician." Quips Mateo.

"Magic, huh? Alpha. Maybe you need the help of not a magician but a witch?" Says the only serious man not using the word poof.

Doctor Miles might be right. A witch would be able to help, if not at least give some advice.

"There is a witch in town. She owns a tavern." The docotor recalls. "Tipper... No..."

"Ripper?" Isaac blurts out, earning him a glare from the other three men. "What? Just trying to jog old docs memory. Sheesh!"

"Pipper. Yes. Her name is Pipper. Lovely lady and very helpful." Doctor Miles states.

"See. It helped." Gloated Isaac still sitting on the ground.

"To town we go then boys." Mateo says turning around and walking towards the pack house to get ready to go to town.

Behind him he hears Isaac's whining dislike for the term 'boys'.

"Ok. Delinquents. Better?" Mateo shouts over his shoulder, chuckling, until he hears the thundering footsteps of his beta and gamma charging for him.

Mateo takes off running and reaches the house before the other two could catch up to him.

"Delinquents is about right." Says the Doctor to himself while laughing at the other two charging after their alpha.

Mateo enters the house and is about to head up stairs to change.

"How did it... Oh, where is Nebula?" Inquires Maggie as she sees Mateo enter on his own. His eyes are hooded enough to make her walk over to give him a hug when the other two grown up kids come barreling in through the door.

"Hi Maggie." They say in unison and grin like idiots while they hang off each other. You would swear the two of them were mates the way they're always hanging onto each other, either that or they've found a way to get drunk and stay drunk.

Maggie shakes her head containing her laugh.

Mateo smirks, chuckles and then goes up to get changed.

A few moments later Mateo comes down to the living area and grabs the two idiots attention.

"Time to go delinquents." He chuckles out, watching their mouths drop while their eyes are glued to the game they're playing.

"I think I prefered boys." Says a defeated Tyler.

Isaac nudges Tyler. "So kick his ass then. Show him you're a man!"

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