A Little More Magic

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I place my athame in my bedside table draw.

Leaving it in the other room was a mistake. One that cost me my butterfly.

Watching her and that friend of hers running out of the house infuriated me. That was the second time she had gotten away.

There wasn't going to be a third.

Oh no. She is mine! I will have her and make sure no-one else gets their claws into her.

Those eyes...

I get up and move to my desk and rummage through all the books and scrolls I have laying all over the place. Frantically I move one scroll and toss another until I find what I'm looking for.

My fingers run gently down the old and frail rolled up paper to the worn out wine red ribbon wrapped around it.

I pull the ribbon's one lace and watch it loosen and the paper unrolls itself across my desk.

With the need to be gentle. I trace my fingers over the faded, delicate ink scribbles, scanning word for word.

Eyes, one blue and one green. Hair made of fire...

That's my butterfly. I've never seen anyone else with such a magnificent combination. She makes my groin pulse and my heart race for the power she has inside of her.

My fingers trace down a bit more on the inked prophecy.

'The one who marks The One will share in all her powers.'

That will be me.

I run my hand through my hair, agitation raising within me, memories of all the missed opportunities I had to claim this precious female.

"If only she could stay in one fucking place long enough for me to have her." I grit out between my teeth.

A knock on my door had me turning around.

I walk over and swing my door open.

A smile creeps its way onto my lips.

"Dakarai." A little brunette minx coos my name as she stands by my door with nothing but a pathetically thin little dress on.

I grunt.

Oh she so wants me to rip that thing right off of her. It's written all over her face. The way she's biting her lower lip and looking at me through her thick eyelashes, a finger twirling one of her locks.

I trace my finger up the length and grab the thin strap of her dress which is loosely sitting on her shoulder. I watch how her breath hitches with anticipation and I pull her into my room. I think more clearly when I'm fucking anyway.

While this bitch is screaming my name and whipping around on my bed like a bucking bronco, my mind clears.

How to catch a butterfly. You need to be patient. You need to be gentle.

You need something sweet...

I open my eyes to the bitch that has now gone quiet because I've stopped pounding her. I was done. She was not. Too bad.

"Get out." I demand and pull my pants back up.

"But..." She was just about to say something I was not interested in.

I glare at her, my eyes turning purple.

Her eyes close and without bothering to redress her, I pick her up like a ragdoll, open my door and hand her over to the first guy that walks passed my door.

"She's all yours." I tell him before closing my door and returning to my butterfly catching expedition.

I shift my bed out of the way and rip the carpet up. I head over to my cupboard and take hold of my kit and walk back to where I just lifted the carpet. I take out a piece of chalk from my kit and draw my sigal diagram.

I seal the sigal with a spell and replace the carpet and move my bed back over the sigal.

On my bedside table I lay out the black cloth which was rolled up in my kit. I frame it with black candles and place my challis in the middle.

I take my athame out of the draw and slide it across the palm of my left hand and watch my blood start to flow from the cut. I fist my left hand and drain the red liquid into the challis with a smile.

"You want something sweet my butterfly?" I ask aloud. " You're going to get something sweet.... Irresistibly sweet." I chuckle.

When my blood stops flowing, I light each candle in turn. From East to West.

The image of Nebula fixed in my minds eye.

"You will be mine." The words slip out so easily. "My Nebula."

Holding her image so vividly in my mind makes my groin pang for her again. I want her so badly.

With the candles lit and my eyes full of her. It was time. Time for a little more magic.

The spell flows fluently passed my lips making everything in me burn with desire for the one that has the possibilty of holding so much power in her.

Even if she turns out not to be the one. I still want her. Therfore, I will have her.

The burning subsides and I reopen my eyes. The spell is done. Now I need to be patient. She will come to me. She has no choice.

My smile returns.

I blow the candles out and return everything to my kit and drink what is in the challis.

I place my athame back into my draw. Grab my jacket and walk out of my room.

Let's go see what my butterfly is up to shall we.

I leave the frat house and fly through the park and come face to face with her frat house. I mutter a spell and close my eyes to see if I can hear her.

There you are... I smirk... You can't hide from me...

I stand there listening to her and her friend laughing and trying to talk. I chuckle as I can hear they're intoxicated. Sometimes her friend makes it easier for me.

I laugh along with them hearing them talking about what they should do with their dildos.

Looks like my butterfly has a kinky side. My groin twitches.

I hear her friend talking about going out and my butterfly moans out that they've just gotten back from town. Her friend tries again and within a few moments my eyes fling open and I dart into the shadows of their frat house. They're coming out.

From where I stand I watch how they both unstably walk towards the road in front of their house and her friend pulls out her phone. They wait and hang onto each other as a car, which I would presume is an uber, pulls up and escourts them away.

Let her have now.

Tonight, my butterfly, tonight you will be running to me instead of running away from me and then my gorgeous butterfly, I will ruin you for any other man but me...

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now