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The frat house was throbbing with music bouncing off every surface. The students cramped the lower floor and staircase leading to the dorm's rooms. Some people, dancing as if in a world of their own, girls grinding on the guys while others just swayed in one spot, completely off beat, some crowded around and were cheering on a couple of guys chugging beer through a plastic tube attached to a funnel with someone else pouring one can of beer straight after the next into it, without stopping for a breath and others just standing there blocking walkways awkwardly, unable to talk due to the music being so loud.

Page and I squeeze our way through the sea of people, looking for any tiny, open space that was large enough for us to actually breathe in without being elbowed or dribbled on. We found that space close to the guys chugging down the beer and I watch how Page starts laughing at the sight of the guys almost choking. I couldn't help it either, as they're facial expressions at the liquid that seemed to have no end kept coming for them. The one guy looked like he was one sip away from passing out under the tube of continuous fizz with one of his eyes struggling to stay open and the other eye rolling back into his head.

While watching the saga, I feel a poke to my ribs. Looking over I see Page wagging her eyebrows again but this time she's not looking at me. I follow her eyes, passed the chugging drunkards and into the crowd of onlookers on the other side, only to make full on eye contact with a set of intense, Carribean blue eyes. His gaze draws me in to the deep storm that seems to be brewing in them.

"Looks like playstud has his eyes on his next bed notch." I hear the down right naughty giggle of the pixie standing next to me.

"You set this up. Didn't you." I say breaking the eye contact and glaring at Page.

"Noooo. I promise. I didn't." Page starts frantically denying any involvement, throwing her hands up in surrender. Face genuinely portraying innocence.

"You bloody better not have. You'll have no popcorn for the rest of the year if you did." I choke out, feeling my stomach twisting even tighter than before. Again, for no particular reason. I couldn't fathom why I was feeling so.... Paranoid.

In the midst of our accusatory glares, a warm whisper finds its way to my ear. The warm breath accompanying it, trickles down my neck, telling me that whoever it belongs to is much taller than I am. As I turn, a hand finds it's way to gently grip my hip.

I was floored...

The nearly 6ft, broad shouldered, slender yet well defined frame, wearing a black loose, long sleeve t-shirt, with a stretched out collar, topped by a square, shaven jawline, almost baby faced, streaky blonde man with a snake bite lip piercing was standing behind me seemingly craving my attention. It was his deep, Carribean blue eyes that confirmed to me who it was.


He leaned in again to repeat his whisper with a smooth and sliky voice. "Hello gorgeous."

I try my best to put on a sassy composure, as I really wasn't ready for this man. Especially him.

I point over to a painting of a cabin sitting on the banks of a river, surrounded by forest, it also looked like it was lucky to still be hanging in one piece on the wall. I then leaned closer to the man and said, " That's gorgeous... I'm Nebula." I then retreated away from him, thinking I could return my attention to Page but this man had other plans.

His hand tightened on my hip, pulling me closer to him until our hips were flush against each others.

"Hmmm, Nebula..." I hear him tasting my name on his tongue. At that, my stomach had declared that it was done churning it's butter. Panic now rose from my depths which yanked my body from his grip and ordered my legs to move. Where? Anywhere. Anywhere but where I was.

As I moved, I threw a comment over my shoulder, hoping for the recipient of my words to stay put. "I need air."

With the distance I put between myself and the man who was encroaching on my feminine sanity, I felt I could breathe again. That was far too intense for my liking. Like going from zero to 250kms in 10 seconds.

I made my way back out the front door of the frat house and was met with a hand thrusting a bottle into mine. I looked down and found that the cap was still on nice and tight so I accepted the gift and took a few more steps away from the house. Turning around to give the front door a glance, I cracked open the bottle and brought it to my lips. The sweet, cold and fizzy liquid was like salvation to my now dried out mouth and the bottle emptied far too quickly.

As I moan looking at the empty bottle in my hand, I hear Page roaring with laughter as she emerges from the house pushing passed a guy, clinging to the door frame for dear life. Two bottles, one in each hand. She reaches me and hands one of the bottles over.

"Looks like you're gonna need a couple more of these." Her laughter unbroken.

"Thanks." I say breathing in the contents of the bottle she just handed me.

"What the hell happened?" Page inquires through her bouts of laughter. "I have never seen you so scared of a guy before."

"I paniced." I tell her rubbing my face with my free hand.

She places an arm around me and gives me a squeeze. "Come on. If we're not letting guys take advantage of us tonight then we might as well take advantage of the free alcohol." With that she drags me back inside and to the closest table with capped bottles chilling in ice baths.

One bottle after then next, we poured down our throats and each bottle made it seem like those Carribean blue eyes were somewhere in my view, watching my every move. A seductive smile pinned to his face by his piercing.

Was he getting closer with each drink I took? I must be drunk. I hope I'm drunk.

Standing against one of the tables, whose ice bath we decided to clear out, I again see the hypnotic blue eyes. I need to leave, my head was yelling at me, however, my feet had other ideas. I first tried to push myself away from the table and tell Page I was going to leave, my head truned to Page while my vision swam in the opposite direction, my words came out in one long painful string of slur and before my slur was even at its end, my body moved forward with my feet glued to their original spot on the floor. Page and then the floor came closer a lot faster than what I could anticipate. What I was now anticipating was a straight face palm with the floor at Page's feet.

Before my unshielded face could connect with the floor, I was stopped and pulled upright again by a strong pair of hands, which by the way were snaking themselves around my waste in order to keep me upright. I looked down at the arms around my waist trying to figure out which student had 8 arms on them.

"Oooo... Shiney ring." I slured out and then tried to touch the ring which seemed to change fingers with every attempt I made.

A chuckle reverbarated through my back which made me straighten as much as I could. Unable to turn around and look at my saviour without making the room swim in directions I couldn't keep up with, I just stood there. In someones arms. I leaned my head back to rest it on the chest of that someone holding me up, because my head was just getting too damn heavy for me to hold up, so I figured if this kind gentleman was willing to hold my body up, he might as well hold my head up too and with that thought, my eyes closed and the party came to an end.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now