Somethings Up

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"Maggie makes kickass waffles." Says Tyler, impressed that his Luna isn't one of the stuck up bitches who are affraid of food.

I grab a napkin and lean over to whipe Nebula's mouth. If these nincumpoops weren't here I'd have licked it off her.

She realizes that she's wearing her waffle's cream and blushes profusely earning her another round of laughs from the two men still grinning her.

"So sorry. I swear my mother did teach me manners. I... Uhm... I just... I couldn't help it. They're so devine." She says eyeing out another one.

"Eat. These two ginning idiots need to go do something else." I try glaring at them. To no avail. I roll my eyes.


Once all the waffles were gone.

I offered to show Nebula around to which she seemed quite excited about.

She addressed the two grinning idiots by telling Isaac he has something stuck to his teeth to which he ran out to find a mirror.

So now we were only one idiot left.

I mind link Tyler. 'Don't you have training to do?'

'Nope.' He responds.

'A mate to go sort out?' I interject further.

I see him think about it and then he replies. 'Nope, she's all good.'

Great. I think internally rolling my eyes.

So, we'll have a tag-a-long for now.

I take Nebula around the grounds and she asks all the what's and who's for all the buildings and the people bustling in and out of them.

Still a bit nervous because I'm waiting for all the hard questions to come out. Like what's an alpha and luna. Why do all these people call us that. Why is Tyler still following us around like a bladdy shadow...

But she keeps those ones to herself. Her interest at the moment seems to be all about her surroundings. Oh shit, please don't be looking for an escape route. Please! I internally beg her.

Looking at her I can't help but want to be alone with her.

So, I mind link Tyler again.

'Disappear. Now. Or I'm going to tell Rita you flirted with Angela at the infirmary.'

Tyler looks at me shocked. 'I didn't! We haven't even been close to the infirmary!'

'I know that. You know that. But Rita doesn't.' I give him the shadiest sly smirk I could muster.

'So not fair.' He sends back with a heart broken look on his face.

"Hey, ah, Luna. I need to go check on my mate quickly but I'll be back. Ok?" He tells her and I can't help but notice how he's just added another question to her already growing list of hard questions still to be asked.

Mental face palm.

"Sure ok." She responds, looking like she wants to add something but he vanishes quickly. He knows what's good for him.

I grab her attention and tell her I wanted to show her something and her eyes light up with curiosity... And something else.

That something else was what was making me worry because I couldn't tell what that something else was.

I grip her arms and throw her into my back. I figure I have so much I already need to explain  that adding one more wasn't going to make much of a difference.

With her securely attached to my back I take off running into the forest. As I run I can hear her enjoyment. She's laughing whole heartedly while clinging for dear life to my shoulders.

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