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I love the sound of a screaming woman. It brings joy to my heart knowing that a woman is in so much pain that she feels the need to verbalize it so proudly.

I follow the screams, hearing them get louder and louder and they bring me to a frat house. My butterflies frat house. The screaming continues, and I follow, they bring me to my butterflies room in the frat house. My smile broadens. Is that my treasure screaming like that? I hope so as it's music to my ears.

I stand in front of the house, close enough to my butterflies window and tilt my head so I can hear the delicious screaming. My heart starts to pound harder in my chest... Yes... Scream. Scream for me my butterfly.

"Neb?" I hear the raspy voice of my butterflies friend. I freeze. Wait, That wasn't my butterfly?

I'm starting to get irritated by this bitch.

I think back. I'm sure I fucked her some time this semester. She couldn't have been that good for me to not really remember her.

I grimmace.

I pull my thoughts and attention back to the window. My butterflies friend isn't worth my time. So. It was her wailing that brought me here. Agitation crawls beneath my skin. I need to deal with her at some point.

I hear that annoying girl run through a croaky series of questions but the only thing that grips my attention, with claws digging deep into my soul, is the mention of my butterfly in someone elses bed.


Who the fuck is Mateo? And why is he bedding what's mine?

How dare he!

Fury heats every part of my body to the point that I cannot move.

I want blood.

His blood.

I want to flood this fucking campus with every ounce of blood in that man's body.

Already she managed to escape my pull in her dreams last night and now there is another man!


No. I will not allow this. I need to find out who this other male is.

He must be close by, there is no way my butterfly could have left campus last night. I was close. I was watching.

The thought of that little blonde slut distracting me last night after I had watched my butterfly disappear from her dream, made me even more furious. She will pay with her life for that distraction. It wasn't even that good.

The filthy rotten whore. I will make her choke on my cock and she can watch me smile as the life inside her eyes fades to nothing.

As for this Mateo, I will rip through every man, boy and male on this campus to find out who he is and he will pay for taking my butterfly into his bed.

No-one and I mean no-one will touch what belongs to me.

Nebula. Is. Mine.

I hear no more talking coming from my butterflies window. They must have moved deeper into the house or fallen asleep. I can't tell. I just know there is no more talking.

All I've heard from my butterfly was a soft pathetic 'sorry' and how scary her nightmare was. If she hadn't woken up from that dream she would have been in heaven, she would have woken up in my bed and she would have been mine. I would have made her feel so much more than what this Mateo could have.

This urks me more. I grind my teeth together. I want to hear more of her voice. I want her to be talking about me.


I look up, anger dripping from me like a marathon runner at the end of the race and it surrounds me like an unforgiving thunderstorm.

Now, beyond infuriated I turn my back to the window, something needs to be done here because I will not stand to compete for my butterfly, and head across the road and fly off into the park.

First things first. That slut needs to choke for making me miss my butterfly leaving her house. If it wasn't for her, I would have known who this Mateo is.

I find her standing in front of one of the campus halls. I walk up to her and watch how her friends giggle and blush at the sight of me approaching. Ha! This bitch has no idea what's about to happen to her, I chuckle, and her friends will think she's lucky.

I walk straight up to her and grab a hand full of her hair and yank, hard. She squeals as her head goes flying backwards. I bring my mouth down to her neck and I bite her making her moan.

I pull away from her neck and drag her by her hair down into the shadows between the buildings the group is standing in front of.

Within minutes she is screaming my name. I can even hear her friends giggling with excitement at their friend getting fucked by me. To these whores this is a privilege.

And then, true to my word. I make her chock on me. The delight I felt watching her life fade gave me the peace I needed for my next challenge.

Finding this Mateo.

Again. The thoughts of another man touching my butterfly burns my insides.

This nonsense needs to end. Now.

The semester has come to an end and I need to act right now. Time is no longer on my side and I do not have the patients to sit and wait for the next semeter to start. Besides, this Mateo is a threat.

I barge into my room, turning it upside down. I need to find a spell, not just any spell, I need to know where my butterfly is at all times. That way I might even find out who this Mateo is that's bedding her and rip his heart out through his groin.

The thought of another man's hands on what is mine, blinds me with a rage that would make the fires of Hades seem pale and bland.

I find the spell I'm looking for, hidden under the copious other scrolls I have, when I think of how close I was last night to having everything I wanted.

How did she break free from my spell? She was so fucking close I could almost taste her.

My groin twitches at the thought of how close she was to being all mine.

My hands clentch into fits. She was only almost mine. She should have been mine.


I rub my face and hair vigorously. I cannot take any more chances.

I run through all the ingredients I need for the tracking pouch I want to make.

I look up, pensive. My hand rubbing my chin.

What if I mix a deterrent in the tracking pouch. Make this Mateo fucktard that is touching my precious butterfly, seethe in pure agony if he dares lay a finger on her again. Ha, I want the prick seething in pain just for looking at her, unfortunately there is no mixture or spell for that unless I'm there.

Next time I will be there.

He will die when I find out where he is. No question about it. I will allow him to use his last breath to watch me take Nebula in every way, shape and form and make her mine.

He will die hearing her screaming my name and not his and then I will take great pleasure in making her forget he ever exisited.

My mind goes back to the spell and I scan the ingredients again.

I need to go shopping.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now