The Morning After

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I feel the soft sheets under me as I slowly try and turn over. Nope, not going to happen...

I sling my one arm over my face keeping my eyes clamped shut and keeping the throbbing in my head steady.

"You bitch." I wheez out through the headache which is slowly creeping down into my stomach. "This is all your fault. I'm banning you from any form of popcorn for a week." I carry on with my hung over threat.

A slight movement in the room followed by a deepish, baritone chuckle makes me sit straight up in the bed as if someone installed  a remote robotic system inside me.

I let my eyes adjust to the exceptionally dark room and try to make out where the manly chuckle just came from.

"Awe. I'm sorry you feel that way." The manly voice says laced with more seduction than any Casanova movie I've seen. "Maybe this will help." The movement draws closer to the bed I'm currently occupying like a statue. "A peace offering." It coo's right next to the bed, making my head spin in it's direction and my throbbing brain in the other.

"Ow! Don't do that. What's wrong with you." I half shill, grabbing my head.

Another chuckle. "Awe Nebula, what did I do?" Another smooth seductive coo.

"Not you. My head." I state as if it had been obvious.

Yet another manly chuckle...

Ok, I tell myself. Open you damn eyes and see who's taking such great delight in your pain. I open my eyes again only to be captured by those devilishly, hypnotic blue eyes.


The blue eyes look down and my eyes follow them down to a hand holding out a couple of white, universally marked pain tablets. I look back up to the blue eyes and narrow mine.


"For your headache." He urges the tablets towards me. "I'm not about to poison the one girl on campus that has finally captured my interest."

"Oh.... So all the others captured what exactly?" I blurt out without thinking. Clearly. I would face palm myself around about now but my head was already splitting open without being slapped.

He chuckles again and moves in closer to me. My eyes start widening making me look like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck that's about to run me over. "Let's deal with your headache first before we start capturing anything. Hmmm?"

Ok, Im blushing... And very glad that it's as dark in here as it is. Last thing I need is for this Casanova to smooth talk me into anything else besides taking the pain tablets. I need an unthrobbing brain to get me out of this room.

Just as I think that and slide the tablets into my mouth I see the blue eyes staring at my lips as they part and my mouth opens to take the tablets. He licks his lips.

With the tablets perched on my tongue, I look aroumd for a glass of water, which comes to me from a hand that does not belong to me. The hand holding the glass is notably larger than the glass, making me shrink with the fact that I will have to touch this hand in order to take the glass.

The thought of swollowing the tablets passes in thought as I realize my mouth is so dry and that the two tablets are now stuck firmly to my tongue.


I reach out and try my best to touch as little of the hand holding the glass as possible. "Thanks." I say sounding like I just had my tongue pierced.

The blue eyes smile at me and then thankfully moves back a bit, giving me some much needed space.

After the tablets have gone down safely, I manage to find a more stable voice. Or so I thought.

"Uh. So. Where am I, exactly?" I stupidly ask as I can already gather from the bed that I'm definitely not in my room.

"You're in my dorm room." Dakarai offers smoothly. Observing me from the chair he's in besides the bed. His bed.


How on earth am I going to get out of this frat house without anyone seeing me. I mentally face palm myself. Page... When I get back. No popcorn for a month.

"Ok. And... How did I get here?" I ask only because being silent with him staring at me is starting to tickle my newly found paranoia, which seems to have made itself comfy ever since last night.

"Well." He says like he's about to tell me the most entrancing story ever. Moving in closer again. Leaning over his knees which are now fastened against the mattress, right at my side, bringing his face close enough to mine that I can smell the minty tooth paste on his breath.

Fuck. Fuck.

I need to have a talk to Page about her language. It's becoming contagious.

I swollow a little harder than I would have liked at his proximity and watch how his smirk grows, giving his piercing enough room to slightly fall to the side.

"You passed out while I was holding you." As he says this, his eyes travel down from my face, slowly down passed my neck and still further down. Shock and pure panic makes me drop my head in a flash to see if I'm still clothed and I breathe out in relief when I see nothing has been removed.

He chuckles.

I blush.

"I don't know where your dorm is. So, I brought you here. There was no way I was going to leave something so precious in a place like that." He continues telling me, with his smooth Casanova tone, almost hypnotizing me.

I could see why the girls would throw themselves at him. After just a few sentences I was ready to do the exact same thing.

No! Wake up Pumpkin! Don't fall for this playstud's seductive antics. He is like the deadliest male version of a siren ever, luring you into his cave with a silky smooth song only to soften you enough to devour you.

Looking at his lips... He would definitely devour me. Every sultry inch of me.

Pumpkin! Snap out of it!

With a determained will to get the hell out of his room, I swung my legs in his direction making him move back in his chair, with what seemed to be a rather amuzed look on his face.

As my feet touch the floor, I stand up. Yes, I'm wobbly, but he does not need to know that. Now, one foot in front of the other... Thankfully my feet obey and I find myself at his door in seconds.

"Uhm... Thanks. For, for the tablets and uh. The. For not leaving me there." I stutter and stumble the thanks like a complete idiot. Now blushing even harder, I grab the door knob firmly and yank the door open.

My need to get back to my room, feeling as if my life depended on it.

As I'm about to fly out of the frat house as fast as my legs would possible allow. I hear him clear his throat, amusement still dancing all over his features.

"Don't forget these." He says handing me the pair of sliver stilletos I was wearing. I look at them. No wonder I couldn't stand. I thought as I reached out to take them from him.

He used my distraction to his advantage and grabbed my hand as I took a hold oh my heels and pulled me towards his chest with the force of Hulk on a dwarf. I stumble at him and buffered myself with my free hand, which landed slap bang on his hard chest.


He chuckles.

I bite my lip and try very hard to not look up. So, he drops his head to where his lips graze my ear when he whispers his devilish plan to me.

"Next time you leave my room." I hear him take in a deep, agonizingly slow breath as if he was breathing all of me in. "You won't be leaving with just your hang over." He pulls away, letting go of my heels and I spin around and run like I have a hell hound at my heels.

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