Something About Nebula

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We got back from Pipper's tavern feeling only a bit better than what we did going there.

My mate was safe, with her parents, but questions were still racing a ciruit around in my head.

Was she ok? She did just shift for the first time and seemed beyond shocked that she had shifted.

Who were her parents?
Did they know she was a shifter?
Do they know she teleports?

Pipper seemed way too calm considering she might have human parents. If she had human parents.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Pipper knew more than what she was letting on.

As I head up stairs, I could hear a constant set of footsteps trailing behind me like a shadow I just couldn't shake.

As I get to my bedroom door, I whirl around and nearly get knocked off my feet by a burly and brooding Isaac.

"The fuck man. Can I get a breather. I've had to see your face all fucking day." I was trying to yell at him but it came out like a girlish whine.

"Dude! What if Nebula teleports again?" He inquires.

"And..." I draw out. "What if she does? Why are you so concerned anyway?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He has been very glued to her the times she has been here and I didn't really like where it had the possibilty of leading.

"I just. You know. There's just." Isaac starts stumbling over his words, which he never does. His mouth usually works a lot quicker than his brain does.

"Spit it out! I'm tired." I almost grunt at him.

"There's, just something about her. You know." He hesitates looking at the floor at my feet.

"What do you mean, there's something about her?" I feel bile creeping up my throat. Am I getting jealous?

"I don't know man. There's just something. I don't know what it is. A smell maybe, a feeling." This poor man is rushing through words not knowing what is going on inside of him. We've been friends for far too long to let jealousy get the better of us now. Either way. I know she's my mate and my mate alone, but maybe she has some weird ass connection to Isaac.

I take a few steps back as I think about it and as I turn to say something to ease the man's distress, something hits me square in the chest. I wasn't expecting it to say the least and it took my right off my feet with surprise.

As I'm thrown backwards to a now fast aproaching floor I hear Isaac in what sounded like a far off place.

"Nebula!" I could actually hear the smile in his voice.

Now, laying with my back pressed to the ground. I see a cascade of orange blurring my vision.

Nebula indeed.

She's bouncing with laughter on my chest so I wrap my arms aroumd her to keep her from falling off of me.

The smell of alcohol surrounding her like a thick fog.

I chuckle. This girl really is a student by the amount of alcohol she consumes.

I raise my head to her ear and whisper. "Well hello there. Nice of you to drop in."

Her laughter subsides but doesn't vanish. I see how she raises her head and takes note of Isaac standing by the door chuckling at her laughing while laying on top of me.

"That was one hell of an entrance, Nebula." Isaac says stepping forward to help her up.

"Nooooooo. No. No. No. No. Nonow!" She exclains while trying to lift herself off of me.

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