Just A Nightmare?

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We came back from Page's aunts pub. What a woman!

She saw us come stumbling into her establishment like two drunken bar brawlers, loud and unbalanced, and immediately seated us herself. Laughing at the two us the whole time. She definitely knows her niece like the back of her hand. Again. What a woman.

So sweet, so tentative and kind. She made me feel instantly like I was a part of the family.

She shared one story after the next about a younger Page who refused to grow up, curious as ever, poking, proding and tasting everything she could get her hands on. Seems as though nothing much has changed in that department of Page's life.

She sat and spoke with us for what seemed like hours, only attending to customers when she had to but always returning to our table.

She had wild brown hair with eyes just as brown. Her eyes too would delve deep into your soul when she looked at you, just like Page, only not as intrusive or threatening. They were also filled with curiosity when she looked at me. I think she was wondering how someone like me could so easily put up with her niece.

It made me chuckle.

Everything about her, even her mannerisms reminded me a lot of my parents. Full of smiles and the joys of life. Not shy of saying whats on their mind, just without offending anyone. That to me was an art all on it's own.

Talking to her was like talking to someone I've known my whole life. That's how easy she was and I would love to go visit her again.

We got back to our dorm room and I was irrevocably finished. My body was now screaming at me for rest. So with a hug and a thank you to my little pixie, that's exactly what I was going to do. I turned my back changed into my sleep shorts and my baggy crop top and dove under my covers, wrapping myself in my blankets, wiggled around to warm them up and then into a cocoon of sleep.

At first, the colours at the back of my eyelids were vivid reds and oranges, streaked with electric yellow. I let the colours dance around in my vision before they started fading as sleep took over.


Nothing but black. That's all I see. The now familiar panic starting rise from my feet, making its way up my legs, my torso and into my throat.

There is something there in the blackness. I can feel it.

The blackness was slowly whiping it's hand across it's own canvas. Starting to reveal shapes, not yet colours, just shadows hiding within the blackness.

One shape standing out from the rest. It looks like a man. A silhouetted shadow. It or he is just standing there. Watching me? Is it's back facing me? I couldn't tell. However, it did peak my interest. I started moving closer to this shadowed figure without having my feet move.

For some reason, the fact that I was not in control of my own movement scared me. I started fighting with the force bringing me closer to this shadow.

The closer I got, the more desperate I became in my attempts to fee myself.

It wasn't working.


Closer now. The shadow is almost right in front of me. My panic hitting an all time high like a warning siren, blaring and screaming, right next to my ear.

My heart is pounding at an unnatural pace.


I can hear a high pitched strangled squeal, trying its best to escape my lips, but only a slight hint of it making its way out.

In The Alpha's BedroomWhere stories live. Discover now