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( Jeon's House )

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( Jeon's House )

"Daddy, don't go."

Little minji stretched his short arms out to me in a way that broke my heart every time.

I'd been a single dad for
almost a full year now but leaving my youngest behind
with his nanny never really
got easier.

Not when he looked at me
like that every time, blue
doe eyes wide and pleading
like he was scared I would
never come back.

The way his mommy had
never come back.

I still remembered the
morning I woke to find she'd packed all her things and vanished, leaving us
without so much as a note.

Not that a note was

She'd never been too shy
to tell me how she felt
about her life in busan
with me and the children.

I ruffled my nearly four-year-old's sandy blond hair and
kissed his forehead.

"Daddy's meeting with a
new client today."

"But I'll be back soon, okay?"

Behind him, our nanny
stepped up to take my
boy's hand.

The young woman, Lee had
been working for me for the
past three months now and
I got the feeling Minji was
getting used to her which
was good.

None of my other nannies
had lasted as long.

"I should be back in two
hours tops." I told her.

"Take as long as you need."

"Min and I will be preparing dinner while you're gone."

"You like helping with
dinner, don't you Min?"

He pulled his lower lip
between his teeth but nodded.

Reasonably sure that my
child was going to be okay,
I said my goodbyes,
picked up my briefcase
and headed out to work.

As I'd told him, I was
meeting a new client.

I'd received the call the
day before and made an appointment to meet them
at their house to discuss

I could have asked them to
come to my office, of course
but I preferred to talk to my clients in a space that was familiar to them.

Anything to add to their

Planning their weddings
usually stressed them out enough as it was.

When I arrived at the
address I'd been given over
the phone, I found myself parking in front of a bookstore.

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