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The last weekof November
came and went and the further we got into December, the
more I found myself looking forward to the festivities of
the season.

Preparing for Christmas was
the perfect excuse to keep
my mind from obsessing
about other things.

Naturally, I volunteered to
take care of all the decorations
at both Joon's and Jungkook's houses.

Carrying bags full of Christmas baubles and other assorted Christmas tree ornaments.

I arrived at Jungkook's place
one beautiful Friday morning, only to find that some of the house had already been decorated after all.

Someone had wrapped red
and green garlands around
the railings of the stairs.

Eyeing the festive decoration,
I put my bags down next to
the door as an excited puppy
ran up to me to greet me.

"Hey there cutie, you miss
me?" I cooed at the dog,
picking him up.

He licked my face in

"Aw, you're such a good

"Is he?" I looked up at
Jungkook's voice.

"You should know your good
boy just shredded three of
my pillows like a psychotic
little serial killer."

"I don't know what those
pillows ever did to him but
he sure showed them."

The expression on his face—somewhere between outrage
and wonderment made me laugh.

"That's kind of what you
sign up for when you get
a puppy."

"I didn't sign up for this."

"Jih signed me up for this."

Jungkook claimed as if I
didn't know he'd fallen head
over heels for the dog I
was holding.

"Yeah, sure." I let the dog

"Speaking of Jih, did he leave
for school on time today?"


"He just ran out a few
minutes before you arrived."

"I can come earlier, if you
need help in the morning." I offered, not for the first time.

"No, it's fine." Jungkook
waved me off again.

"You don't want to see me or
the kids in the early morning."

"We are not morning people."

I had to press my lips together
to keep from telling him that, yes, I did want to see him
in the early morning.

I wanted to see him first
thing after waking up.

To distract myself from that thought, I quirked my head
at the stairs.

"Did you hang the garlands?"

"No, actually that was
Jih." Jungkook gave a small laugh before turning to walk
back into the kitchen.

We always had coffee
together in the morning.

It had become one of my
favorite parts of the day.

"Seriously? Jih did that?"

When I entered the kitchen
after Jungkook, I spotted
Min sitting at the island
with a bowl of cheerios in
front of him.

When he saw me, he climbed
off his chair and came over
for a hug.

I gave it to him gladly.

"Morning, kiddo."

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