18. (M) 🔞

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When the dance lesson concluded, Tae gave me a
pat on the back before
exiting the building.

"Good luck." Tae whispered
and I felt all the muscles in
my body draw tight, all too aware exactly what I needed good luck for.

I'd go back to Jungkook's
place with him and then I was going to tell him the truth.

That I was expecting a baby
from my ex-husband.

Jungkook approached me as soon as everyone else had left.

"Are you feeling any better

"Yeah, thank you."

"I'm sorry I ruined our fun."

"It's okay, We'll try again another time."

"Maybe you'll be dancing
with me at your brother's wedding."

"If I've learned how to dance
by then."

"Maybe I'll teach you in
private some time."

He suggested and a shiver
of anticipation went down
my spine.

"Seriously, I should have
done that in the first place."

"I understand if you don't like
to be watched as you learn."

Oh, was that why he thought
I sat out?

I really needed to tell him
what was actually going on.

"It's not like that."

"I'll tell you why I didn't want
to dance when we get to your place." Jungkook brightened.

"I'm just glad you still want
to come back to my place with me, I was worried you might have changed your mind over the past week or something."

"No, I haven't."

But when you hear what I
have to say, you might.

* * *

The driveback to Jungkook's place went by quickly.

Way too quickly.

I wouldn't have minded
sitting in his car for a little
while longer, breathing in
the scent of his citrus air freshener and his own alpha scent that stuck to the upholstery and everything.

Anything to buy some time before we had to have the
talk but then Jungkook pulled
into his driveway and my
time was up.

Like a true gentleman, he
got out of the car first
walked around and opened
the door on my side.

I had no choice but to exit
the car and walk into the
house with him.

It was nice how he opened
both the car door and
eventually the door to the
house for me but Jackson
used to do that for me too.

I didn't need an alpha to
open the door for me.

I needed one who wouldn't
tear my head off at the first
whiff of bad news.

"You look pale." Jungkook commented as he led me
into the living room.

"Are you still not feeling
better? Should I take you
home instead?"

"No, it's fine."

"You might want to sit."

I pointed at the couch as Jungkook's puppy ran around
my legs, excited to see me again.

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