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Later that day, I came home to absolute chaos in the kitchen.

Jin and his nephew Jake
were standing in the front
of the oven, flour all over
the both of them.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Baking." Jake said, turning
to me with a grin.

His whole face was

"I can see that..."

But what was with the chaos?

"Did one of the flour bags explode or something?"

Jake shook his head.

"Baking's no fun if you don't
do it with your whole body
and soul, right Uncle Joon?"

"Right." Joon agreed.

"Although maybe next time
we'll use our souls a little
more than our bodies."

"Jin is going to have a fit if
we don't clean all of this up."

I could believe that, The
kitchen was a complete mess.

Especially the counter.

Flour, sugar, egg shells and drops of milk everywhere.

"What are you baking any
way?" I asked, sniffing.

The smell of gingerbread
hung in the air.

Joon glanced at Jake, as if wanting to make sure it was okay to tell me but the boy
just shrugged.

"It's going to be a Christmas present." Jake said.

"For Conner, I already gave
him cookies but they were
store-bought so it doesn't
really count, not when I
saw this other boy give
him a way better gift."

Jake scowled as he returned
his attention to the bowl of dough.

Conner was my cousin's kid.

An omega about a year
younger than Jake.

A smart and friendly boy.

I liked him and I got the
feeling that Jake liked him
very much too and he
wanted to impress him with
a special Christmas gift.

Maybe that wasn't a bad

I could try something like
that, couldn't I?

Or maybe I should just
forget our earlier kiss ever
happened in the first place.

Or maybe I should quit my
job and leave the country.

That also sounded like a good idea Or it would have, if I
wasn't pregnant.

I couldn't ignore that little
fact anymore.

Just the month before, Tae
had taken me to my first
doctor's appointment and
up in my room, in my desk's drawer, I kept a print-out
of my very first ultrasound picture of my baby.

I made a point of looking at
it every night before bed to remind myself of the reality
of my situation.

I needed to keep it
together and I needed to
talk to someone.

To Taehyung, He would
know what to do.

Mind made up, I made my
way to my room and called
my brother.

He knew how to handle situations like this much
better than me.

It took Tae a long time to
answer his phone and when
he did, he sounded just the tiniest bit stressed.

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