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"Why do you look so down?"

"And what were you doing out
so early?" Joon greeted me
when I made it back home.

He was also an early riser
but this morning, I'd beaten
even him.

"I was over at Jungkook's
place." I said, truthfully.

"Oh, is everything all right?"

"I don't know." I said, stepping into the house as if in trance.

"I might be losing my job."

Along with the man I love.

"Maybe you should sit
down." Joon guided me into the living room and made me sit.

"You need to take it easy, you know? For the baby."

The baby...

I looked down on myself.


I was going to have a baby

A baby and no income and no spouse.

"What was that about your
job?" Joon asked.

"Jungkook's wife is back in town so they won't need a manny anymore." I explained.

Joon looked at me with skepticism etched into his
fine features.

"Did Jungkook tell you that?"

"I talked to Jieun." I clarified.

"She told me."

"Maybe you should talk to Jungkook." He suggested.

"Before you jump to any conclusions." He rubbed my back.

"But you know even if you
do lose your job, you're
welcome to stay with me
and Jin, all right?"

"For as long as you need."

"You're family."

"That's very kind of you."

I didn't want to be a burden, though.

I would find another job somehow.

Provide for myself and my
child, even if I never found another alpha to take care of

I needed to follow the advice
I had given Jih, sometimes it turned out the people you
liked were already taken and then you had to move on.

There was a small part of me that still didn't want to believe
it but then it was the same
part that had always trusted Jackson, so my judgement
was obviously worth shit.

And speaking of Jackson, that was something else I had to
deal with now.

I was going to ask Jungkook
to come to the meeting with
me but how could I do that
after everything I'd heard this morning?

If he and his wife were turning over a new leaf, it wasn't fair
of me to ask him to pretend
to be my baby's daddy.

No, it was time I took my
destiny in my own hands, as painful as that thought was.

I had time to cry later.

For now, I had to go upstairs
and finish my article before facing my ex again.

* * *

Jackson had suggestedthat we meet in an Italian restaurant
off Main Street.

Maybe he thought I wouldn't demand that he sign the
divorce papers in such a public setting or that he could sway
me by buying me dinner
but he was wrong.

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