32. (M) 🔞

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The day of the double wedding, the sun stood high in the sky
but the weather wasn't completely perfect just the
way nothing ever really was, aside from my baby.

There was a strong wind
coming up from the sea that
was doing its best to blow people's hats away as we
posed for family pictures in
front of the lighthouse.

It succeeded too with my
father's hat.

My parents had come all the
way out here to attend Tae's
and San's weddings and now
my father was cursing,
running after his black top
hat as it was being carried
away by a stiff breeze.

Running and barking alongside him was Max, Conner's dog.

He seemed think this was a
new, particularly fun game.

"Okay, let's wrap this
up." Jin said, looking for the
top of his camera.

"I think I got enough good
shots of everyone."

Glad that I could stop
stretching my lips for a while,
I returned to Jungkook, who'd been waiting for me just a
few feet away, wearing that expensive suit he'd picked
out for the day and glancing
at his watch every so often.

"I told the happy couples
that there would be strong winds." He said, watching
my dad.

"Guess they didn't pass the memo on to their guests."

"But really, it's to be expected with a lighthouse wedding."


"I still think the lighthouse
was a good idea though."

The silhouette of the light
house against the sea made
for a beautiful backdrop for
the ceremony, set to take
place under a large white
tent at its base.

"I like what it symbolizes."

"What, the lighthouse?"


"It lets you know where the shore is on dark nights out
at sea, keeping you safe."

"I think a relationship should
be like that."

I leaned back into Jungkook
and he closed his arms
around me from behind.

"This is a good place for the wedding."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"It's one of my favorite

"This one and that little chapel
in the mountains, they're tied
for number one." Jungkook glanced at his watch again.

"Are you waiting for
something?" I asked.

"Just checking the time
but..." He looked up.

"I think our special guest has arrived."

"Our special guest?"

Jungkook nodded at the foot
of the hill where a not too
small crowd of people was gathering.

"Oh... You think Yoongi's

Yoongi was one of my cousins
and the reason he counted as 'special guest' was that he'd made a name for himself
as an actor in Hollywood.

"He missed the family

"There'll be enough pictures
of him." Jungkook said.

"And he's right on time too."

Just as he said that, wooyoung and San slipped by us and
up the lighthouse.

They were going to have a
small and intimate ceremony
up on top of the lighthouse
with just their kids and pets
and Yoongi's timely arrival
was guaranteed to distract
all potential media attention away from them.

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