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I couldn't believe that
Jungkook had actually
bought me a present.

Was he doing it for the same reason I'd gotten him a
present, though?

No, that couldn't be.

I was getting ahead of myself.

Jungkook was simply being
nice, the way he always was.

So I tried my hardest not to stare at his ass as he walked
up the stairs in front of me.

I failed but at least he didn't notice and the sight made
my Christmas a lot merrier
Now than it already was.

I was so glad I'd decided to
come over I'd waffled over
the decision for a while.

But Jungkook was taking the
kids to visit family out of
town after Christmas, so this
was my last chance to see
him before the New Year.

I'd had to make use of it.

In his room, Jungkook got
a small box out of his
dresser drawer.

"I had to hide it so the kids wouldn't think it was one of theirs." He told me.

"Is it something you wouldn't want the kids to see?"

The question slipped out of
my mouth before I could
reel it back in. Stupid Jimin.

Just because he was giving
me a present in his bedroom
that he didn't want his kids
to see didn't mean it was
a sex toy or anything.

Seriously, I had to get my
mind out of the gutter.

"It's something I don't want
the kids to run off with."

He replied with a short laugh, making me wonder if he knew how dirty my mind was.

"I believe Minjin would love these."

Curiosity sparked, I took the
box from Jungkook when he handed it to me and then, carefully, I unwrapped it.

Only to be faced with a set
of the most beautiful
marbles I'd ever seen.

He'd actually bought me

I stared at him.

He smiled, as if he didn't even know how amazing he was.

Everyone else laughed at me
and my weird hobbies but
he not only accepted them,
he encouraged them.

I didn't even know how to

"You don't have to look so shocked." Jungkook said
when I didn't say anything.

"You said you lost your
marbles, so I bought you
some new ones."

"Merry Christmas, I hope
you like them."

"They're perfect."

"You're perfect."

His eyebrows went up.

Oh shit, had I actually said
that last part out loud?

I covered my mouth with
my hand and he laughed.

"I'm glad you like your
present." He licked his lips
and my eyes followed the movement of his tongue.

"I need to ask you something."

"What do you want to ask

He sounded so serious
all of a sudden.

"You remember that day
you kissed me under the mistletoe?"

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