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The morning after min's catastrophic birthday party,
I woke up to the smell of
coffee and pancakes.

Ordinarily, this would have
been a welcome experience
but the smell of food in the
air only pleased me until I opened my eyes and got a
good look at the person
serving me breakfast.

My ex wife.

It might as well have been
the devil himself.

"What are you doing?" I grumped.

"Thanking you for letting me
stay here?" she tried, giving me one of her sweetest smiles.

It was too bad for her that
I'd started seeing through
those years ago.

She was never sweet unless
she wanted something.

I sat up and rubbed my face.

"Tell me why you're really bringing me breakfast."

"To remind you how nice it is
to have a wife, I guess."

She set the tray with coffee
and pancakes down on the
side of the bed.

"You're not going to change
my mind about the divorce."

"Not even by bringing me breakfast."

"Actually, you're kind of the
last thing I want to see first
thing in the morning."

Who I did want to see?

Park Jimin.

He was staying over so much lately that I kind of missed him on the rare occasions I woke
up to an empty bed now.

But he'd gone home last night and I couldn't blame him for that.

I would have been over—whelmed in his place too.

"At least Min doesn't think the way you do." She muttered.

"My little boy was very happy
to see me this morning."

"Only because he doesn't
know better."

"He has no idea you're just
going to break his heart

"And just so you know, when
you do, I'm going to kill you."

"You're really not a morning person, are you?" She huffed.

"I'll leave you alone with
your breakfast."

"Maybe you'll be more reasonable when you have
some food in your stomach."

I scoffed at her but she only turned around and left.

If only she'd leave the house altogether.

I ignored the pancakes but
took a sip of the coffee.

The moment the hot liquid hit
my taste buds, I grimaced.

She'd ruined it with too
much sugar.

How was it that we'd been married for over a decade and she still couldn't remember
how I took my coffee?

It had taken Jimin less
than a day to learn.

Trying to shake the sleep from my mind, I got out of bed.

It might have been a Sunday
but I still had a lot to do.

First of all, I needed to
talk to my son.

Jih had taken my suggestion
to lock himself in his room yesterday to heart.

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