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The morning of Min's birthday party, just as I parked the car
in front of Jungkook's house,
my cell phone rang.

I didn't even think to look at
the caller ID before I
answered but once I heard
my ex's voice in my ears, I
found myself wishing I had.

"I'll be there tomorrow." He
said without every bothering
with a greeting.

"Tomorrow?" I asked, trying
not to let the panic that
thought caused me seep into
my voice.

His announcement was so sudden that I wasn't sure
how to react.

For a whole week I'd heard nothing from him and now he wanted to drop in the very
next day?

He had absolutely no regard
for my comfort, did he?

"If you really want me to
sign these papers, you won't mind if it's tomorrow."

"What if I have plans for tomorrow?"

"Do you have plans?"

"No." I admitted.

Maybe he was right.

I wanted this over with as
soon as possible, so why not tomorrow?


"Google tells me there's an Italian restaurant called The
Luna, I'll meet you there at eight."

"We'll have a nice dinner."

A nice dinner?

Did he really think that was
what I wanted?

Before I could ask though, he hung up. Fantastic.

I stuffed my phone back into
my pocket, unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

There was no reason to get
upset over this.

I would talk to Jungkook later, after the party so the news wouldn't spoil it and we would figure something out.

Meanwhile, I could focus on making sure that Min's day
was going to be fantastic.

Jungkook wanted the little guy
to have a great birthday and
I was happy to help make
that happen.

After Jungkook and I had
cleaned the house, I arranged
a table with party snacks for
the kids in the living room while
he put up the decorations.

Balloons in all colors of the rainbow and a big banner that said Happy Birthday MinJin.

I wiped my brow after setting
a plate with mini pizzas on
the table.

I hoped the kids were going
to like them, They'd taken
me long enough to make.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook

"Do you need to sit down?"

"I'm fine."

Seriously, he'd been acting
like I was made of glass

I was pregnant, not on my deathbed.

"Where's Jih? He's supposed
to walk the dog."

But the dog was still zipping
around our feet, on the
verge of tripping me up all
the time.

The fur bundle needed

"I don't know."

"Maybe upstairs? I'll check."

While Jungkook went up, Min came up to the table and
stared longingly at the
chocolate cake in the center.

"Not yet." I told him before
he could even ask.

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