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I was really going to put on a hoodie when I went over to Jungkook's place the
following day but I forgot.

I only noticed when I'd already knocked on the door and the
dog started barking and
there was no turning back.

Time to face the music.

Or rather, the one hundred
and one questions of a
pre-teen and a small child.

Jih opened the door to let me
in and the moment he did,
the dog came shooting out
past him to jump up my legs.

"Hey there." I greeted the
little fur bundle.

It must be an exciting day
for him, seeing his whole
family reunited.

"He's called Michelangelo."

Jih informed me, stepping
aside to let me into the house.

"Michel for short."

"You named him?"

"Dad won't let me name him
but I've called him that so
much he's listening to it now."

"If Dad wanted to pick a
name, he's waited too long."

"Isn't that right, Michel?"

Jih leaned down to pet the
dog, who gave a short affirmative bark.

Either he knew exactly what
we were talking about or
he simply appreciated the attention.

Maybe both.

"I guess Michel is a good
name." I said, taking my coat
off and hanging it by the door.

Jih opened his mouth to say something in response but
when his gaze fell on me
now, he froze.

Yeah, I was definitely
showing now. Still...

"It's rude to stare at
people." I told him.

He ignored my words.

"What happened to you?"

He demanded without even trying to be polite about his curiosity.

We really needed to work on
his manners.

"Nothing happened to me."

"Don't be rude."

"Did you swallow a beach
ball or something? It's not
even beach weather."


That was his problem?

That it wasn't the weather to
be swallowing beach balls?

"Did you have fun at your grandmother's?"

I tried to change the topic because I didn't really want
to talk about my pregnancy before we had everyone gathered together.

Besides, the boy was being

"Grandma kept trying to make me eat food I don't like."

"Like broccoli."

"You ate the broccoli when I
put it in your omelet."

It had taken a lot of trial and error to figure out how I could make Jih eat his greens but
I'd done it in the end.

"That's different, They don't
taste like broccoli then." He
said broccoli like it was the
vilest thing in the world.

At least I'd distracted him.

Or so I thought for about ten seconds until he went right
back to staring at my belly.

"When did you get

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