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I took me only about an hour
of watching the kids to figure
out that this job wasn't going
to be as easy as I thought
it would be.

As Jungkook had predicted,
the older one wasn't moving from his room at all which, to
be fair made it easy to watch
him but hard to connect.

The other kid, nearly four-year old Minjin wasn't hiding away from me but it didn't seem like he wanted to interact either.

He'd been shy when his dad
had introduced us but at
least then he'd talked to
me, saying hello and telling
me how old he was when prompted.

But now that we were
alone, he wasn't inclined
to talk to me.

The moment Jungkook had
left the house, Minjin had
walked into the living room
and picked his Legos back up.

He hadn't moved from his
spot by the coffee table
for the full hour.

I sat on the couch,
watching him for a while.

He was a cute kid with his
blond hair and his big blue
doe eyes but there was something undefinably
sad about him too.

It occurred to me that I
should have asked Jungkook what happened to the other parent, why they weren't
in the picture.

That might have helped me understand what was going
on with the children.

I wasn't here for a therapy session, no but I still wanted
to be on good terms with

It was difficult for me to
read people even when I
had all the facts, so this
situation left me a little
unsettled to say the least.

"What are you building?" I
asked Minjin, trying to
make conversation.

I'd learned that it was good
to show an interest in other people's hobbies.

"I don't know." The boy didn't even look at me, just kept stacking Lego bricks on top
of each other as if it was his
goal to build the highest Lego tower that had ever existed.

I remembered doing that as
a child and then Tae kicking
my tower over when it grew higher than his.

The joy of growing up with
lots of siblings.

Idly, I wondered how minjin
and jih got along, seeing as
there was a rather large
age gap between them.

Cautiously, I picked up a red Lego piece and stacked it on
top of the tower, just to see
how he would react if I
tried to join in on his play.

The boy stopped, hand with
Lego in mid-air and looked at
me like a wild animal trying
to judge if I was predator
or prey.

What happened to you?

I really needed to talk to
Jungkook later.

Eventually the kid started
moving again, focusing back
on his tower instead of the strange adult in front of him.

Did that mean I could keep playing?

I wasn't sure but I picked up another piece of Lego and
he didn't seem to mind.

"Your Dad says you love
Lego." I told him.

"I did too when I was your
age, I guess I still do."

He glanced at me again but
didn't speak.

Well then.

I was cool with not speaking.

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