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Tae made an appointment with his wedding planner for me before he ever told me who
his wedding planner was.

If I'd heard the name beforehand, honestly?

I might have called the
whole thing off.

Tae's wedding planner was
Jeon Jungkook.

That was a name I hadn't
heard in a long time but definitely one I'd never forgotten.

Jungkook was a few years
older than me and my brother
so Tae had probably never interacted with him when
we were children but I'd met
him when our parents had
sent me to summer camp.

I needed to get out more and make friends, they'd said.

Personally, I never wanted
to go.

Especially not without my
brother but I hadn't been
given a choice.

At ten years old, I'd had to
do what my parents thought
was best for me.

And I'd hated every minute
of it.

The group activities, the
forced and fake camaraderie,
the strictly enforced time
for lights-out when I still
wanted to read...

Keeping mostly to myself, I made about as many friends there as I did back at school.

The whole thing was a waste
of time and energy really,
so I decided to make my
own fun one day.

I didn't like the concept of summer camp but I did
like being out in the woods.

There were a lot of interesting plants and bugs to study all around me, after all.

Chasing after a particularly pretty butterfly a bright
yellow one I found myself stumbling down a hill and scraping my knees.

And that's how I first met

I'd seen him before of

He was one of the junior counselors at our camp and
he was also one of the most popular kids back in busan.

Of course he was.

He was an alpha and he had
that perfect blond hair and
body and he was athletic too, captain of the football team.

He had more friends than he could probably keep count of.

In short, he was everything
I was never going to be.

But he saw me fall and he
was kind enough to run
after me to see if I was okay.

To be honest, I was so
stunned that I wasn't
completely invisible to him
that I didn't manage to open
my mouth for a full minute
while he looked at my knees.

I didn't even hear what he
was saying, although I saw his mouth opening and closing.

The first words to get
through to me were.

"You're Jimin, right?"

I never thought he knew my name and somehow he did.

"Uh yes, that's... I'm jimin."

"C'mon, we should get that cleaned up." he said, helping
me to my feet.

Clumsily, I got up and
followed him, still a little off
kilter from my fall and from
the fact that I was suddenly expected to interact with one
of the coolest kids around.

Jungkook led me to a water fountain and cleaned up my scrapes, all while I stared
at him silently.

At this point, he must have thought I was a little dumb
but he still treated me with nothing but kindness.

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