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After that unpleasant confrontation in the restaurant,
I decided to take Jimin
back home with me.

Screw Jieun being there.

If she didn't like seeing me
with Jimin, she could take a
hike for all I cared.

I needed someone on my side and that someone was Jimin.

And I knew just how I was
going to prove that to him too.

When we stepped in through
the front door of the house, I heard the barking of my dog
who came running to greet us and sounds coming from
Jieun's atelier. Perfect.

I wasn't surprised that she'd gone there.

Since I'd taken Min to a
friend's house and Jih still refused to come out of his
room, she was probably
bored out of her mind.

"Jieun and I are going to
have a talk." I told Jimin.

"And I'd like you to come
with me."

He nodded and together we stepped into the atelier.

Jieun stood in front of a
canvas that showed nothing
but splatters in various colors.

To me it looked as if a
unicorn had sneezed on it,
to be honest.

The air smelled of paint and turpentine and I wondered
how long she'd been in here.

"Oh, you're back." she said, turning around.

Then her gaze fell on Jimin.

"And you brought him with

"Yes, I did."

"I told you we were an
item." I took Jimin's hand.

She scoffed.

"You told me you fucked him."

"You didn't say anything
about being an item."

"I know that baby isn't

"My baby's parentage doesn't concern you."

Jimin spoke up, surprising me
by standing his ground.

She arched an eyebrow at
him too, as if she'd seen him
as a kitten but now she saw
that he had claws and teeth.

"I'm not here to discuss my relationship with you." I said
to Jieun.

"I only wanted to let you
know that you need to clear
all your crap out of this room
if you want to keep any of it."

"What the hell are you talking about? This is my studio."

"You stopped living here
when you decided to move
out in the dead of night."

"Now it's a room full of your
crap taking up space."

"I need the space."

"And what would you need
that space for?" She snarled, putting her hands on her hips.

"I'm going to convert it into
a nursery."

"A nursery?" Jieun and Jimin spoke as one, shocked expressions on both their

After a second though, the
shock on Jimin's face gave
way to joy, while jieun 's expression sharpened in

"You can't be serious." she

"You're going to kick your
wife out of her studio to
have a nursery for your
manny's bastard child?"

I took a step toward her
and stared her down.

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