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Three days after I found the
dog in the studio, Jungkook found him as well.

I entered the house on a
Friday afternoon to a
shouting match going on between father and son.

"I can't believe you did
this without talking to me
about it."

Jungkook raged at his twelve-year-old son, who was
clutching a wide-eyed puppy
to his chest.

Jih's scowl deepened.

"I would have told you if
you weren't so mean."

"I'm mean?"

"I've obviously been far too
nice up until now because nothing I do gets through
to you!"

Awkwardly, I cleared my
throat just to let everyone
know I was around.

Both Jungkook's and Jih's
eyes snapped to me.

"Did you know he was hiding
a puppy?" Jungkook asked.

"I, uh..."

"He didn't know."

"No one knew." Jih claimed,
just as he'd promised he would.

Deep down, he really wasn't
a bad kid, was he?

Just a troubled kid, I couldn't
let him take all the heat.

"I knew." I admitted.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Jih and I had
a deal."

"He had to get rid of the dog
or tell you about it by the
end of the week."

"I figured he'd tell you."

"Yeah well, I was told by stepping into dog poo." He informed me, before
glaring at his son.

"You can't keep a dog and
not walk it."

"I was grounded."

"There's no excuse for
treating an animal that way."

"You should have thought
about that before bringing
him here."


"No." Jungkook held up a

"I'm done talking to you
for now, Give me the dog."

Jih took a step back.

"What are you going to do
with him?"

"I'm going to walk him."

"We don't have a
leash." Jih pointed out.

"I'll figure something
out." Jungkook said, patience obviously wearing thin.

"And you're going to watch
your little brother for half
an hour because Jimin is
coming with me." I gulped.

Was I in trouble now?

It was hard to feel
intimidated by Jungkook
though, when Jih gave him
the puppy and the little guy licked Jungkook's face and
Jungkook let it happen.

The image was enough to
remind me of Jungkook's inherent kindness.

I wasn't in trouble and
even if I was, it wouldn't
be too bad.

Then again, my ex had
appeared kind too at first,
until he lost his temper and revealed his true colors.

Jungkook stroked the dog's
fur until the little one started wagging his tail, giving a
tiny bark.

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