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Only two days after Jimin came out to me about his pregnancy,
I got to accompany him to the doctor's office for a check-up
on the baby.

He'd stopped wearing hoodies now so everyone could see
his baby bump in its full
glory including me.

I tried not to stare but it
was difficult.

Every time my eyes fell on him,
I wanted to drag him out of
the waiting room and into the men's room or someplace.

Anywhere we could be alone.

Jimin thought I was kidding
when I told him how much
his pregnant state turned
me on but I wasn't.

Not at all.

I kind of wished I was because having to hide a hard-on in an OB-GYN's waiting room was a little awkward, not gonna lie.

Especially when I knew so
many of the people here.

There was Mrs. Clark, pregnant with her second child.

I'd organized her wedding
three years ago.

Next to her sat Mr. Sullivan.

I hadn't planned his wedding
but his brother's and then
there was Mr Ell's daughter sitting across from them on
the other side of the room.

Mr Ell did most of my

I'd exchanged short greetings with all of them when we'd
come in and no one had
really asked any questions
when I told them I was here
for moral support.

But I could feel their eyes lingering on us whenever
they weren't pretending to
be absorbed in the book, magazine or phone in their hands.

Mrs. Clark spent a good
couple of minutes tapping furiously on her phone.

Was she tweeting about me?

I could only hope no one was sneaking pictures.

Maybe after this appointment
I'd go talk to Cynthia, just to
see how fast and how far the gossip was spreading.

"What are you thinking
about?" Jimin's voice cut
through my musings.

"Nothing." I lied.

He wasn't buying it, of

He was far too smart.

Part of the reason I liked
him so much.

"You know a lot of people in town, don't you?" He asked, voice lowered a little.

"Yeah, isn't it great?" I forced
a fake smile on my lips.

"I don't know, is it?"

"Super great." I reassured

We were here for Jimin's
baby and I wasn't lying when
I told everyone that I'd come
for moral support.

I didn't want him to worry
about the rumors that might
be popping into existence
right this moment.

My ex was always stressing about what the people in town might be saying about her.

So much that in the end, she couldn't stand the idea of spending another day here anymore.

But it seemed Jimin wasn't concerned for himself.

No, he was concerned for me.

"Are you going to be
okay?" he asked.

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