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Leaving my kids with some
one new for the first time
was always a little bit nerve-wracking.

When Jimin started working
for me, he made that
experience easier by
showing up super early.

The doorbell rang half an
hour before I had to leave
the house.

Perfect I thought, going to
open the door.

I liked when there was enough room in the schedule to go through everything with the manny one more time
before I had to head out.

My friends told me that I
was too anal about too many things but in my business,
I'd learned that there was
no such thing as too much planning.

I had contingency plans for contingency plans and I
liked it that way.

And yet, when I answered
the door and came face-to-face with the omega I'd hired, contingency plans weren't
the first thing on my mind.

In fact, there was nothing on
my mind.

I drew a total blank.

Jimin had put on blue jeans
and a teal shirt and the way
his clothes went with his
blue eyes made him look absolutely stunning.

Jimin had always had nice, delicate features but because
he tended to hide his nose
in a book, not many people noticed that.

I got the feeling this led to
him being completely oblivious about how handsome he was.

I'd observed this the last
time I'd talked to him too.

There was just something in
the way he held himself, the
way he moved that let me
know he had absolutely no
idea what a fine omega
he was.

It was refreshing, to be

My wife or ex-wife, I should
say was always flaunting her goods no matter where she

I still cursed myself for
being stupid enough to
fall for it in the first place.

"Is something wrong?" Jimin asked, taking his shoes off.

"No, not at all." I said, chiding myself for staring at him like
an idiot.

He was my manny and I
really shouldn't have
looked at him the way I had.

"Please come in."

"I have a few things I'd like
to go through with you
before I leave."

"Oh great because I have a bunch of questions too."

He did?

That was the first time a new nanny/manny was actually enthusiastic to be following protocol.

When he noticed the disbelief
on my face, Jimin pulled something out of a small
brown bag he was carrying.

"See? I even brought a notebook."

He showed it to me with a
grin that was so adorable I
kind of wanted to hug him.

Who else could get so
excited about stationery?

"You're amazing." I said
before I could even think
about what I was saying.

A faint blush colored his
cheeks, The poor guy looked
like he had no idea how to respond. Of course not.

I shouldn't have said what I
did but there was nothing I
could do now but continue
like normal.

"If you would follow me into
the kitchen, we can go through
a list of emergency numbers."

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