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"Daddy." Minjin raced to the
door when I came home.

"Hey, little man." I lifted
him up and he squealed.

"Oof, you're actually
getting big, Won't be able
to do this for much longer."

"No, you always have
to do it." he insisted.

"I'll try, buddy." I promised, setting him down.

"Where's Lee?"

"Kitchen." He pointed.


I ruffled his hair, peeled
myself out of my coat and
shoes and found my
nanny in the kitchen,
standing at the stove.

"I've prepared dinner." She greeted me, waving the
wooden ladle she held
in her hand.

"But I think it's best if I don't stick around to eat with you."

I glanced at the pot on the
stove, noticing the smell of
chili that hung in the air.

"You're an angel, Thank

"I can't say how sad I am
to see you go."

"I'm sad to be leaving
too." She said and left it at

It was how I knew there was nothing I could do to make
her change her mind.

Suppressing a sigh, I
changed the topic.

"Where do I find my
miscreant of a son?"

"He's up in his room, probably playing with that pet of his."

She shook a little with
disgust as she said this.

I never understood what
her problem with jih's
salamander was really.

I thought it was cute.

But this wasn't the time
to argue about that.

Jih knew what he was
doing when he set it
on her cutting board.

My kid was a troublemaker
but he wasn't stupid.

Dread settling deep in my
chest, I made my way up
the stairs.

"Jih?" I called, knocking on
his door before entering.

Hot and humid air clung to
my skin the moment I
set foot into his room.

My son had two terrariums
on a shelf next to his desk and the atmosphere in here was always just short of tropical.

I had no idea how he could
stand it but he didn't seem bothered.

"Crack open a window." I instructed before I said
anything else.

Sitting at his desk, Jih
turned to look at me.

His blond bangs had grown
so long that they fell into his eyes but they didn't manage
to obscure the scowl on his

Nevertheless, he got up and opened the window without arguing the way he usually did.

He knew he was in trouble.

How many times had we done this dance now? Too many.

I got the feeling we were
both getting tired of it.

I wasn't sure why he kept behaving this way but I
knew that I had to put a
stop to it, once and for all.

Once he had opened the
window and turned back
to me, I started.

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