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My next day of work,
Jungkook left the house
almost as soon as I arrived.

As if he couldn't get away
from me fast enough.

Had I embarrassed him the
day before by mentioning
the intensity of his scent?

I sighed to myself.

This was why I'd never had
a boyfriend before Jackson.

I always said the wrong
things at the wrong time.

At least he wasn't firing me, though and the boys seemed
a little more open to me too.

Jih still spent the majority of
his time in his room but he
came down for lunch when I made spaghetti for all of us.

He even got up and fetched
a wet washcloth to wipe the tomato sauce off his little brother's face when we
were done eating.

He was so gentle with him
I had no doubt he cared for
Min even if he vanished
back into his room the
moment I carried the
plates from the table.

"Wanna watch Big Hero
Six." Min said, following
me to the sink.

"You want me to put the
movie on for you while I do
the dishes?" He nodded.

"Okay then."

I walked over into the living room with him and turned
the DVD player on.

The movie was already inside.

Min cheered a little when it started playing on the TV.

I was just about to return to
the kitchen when my cell
phone rang, The Caller ID showed my twin's name.

Didn't he know I was working?

"Tae?" I answered the phone.

"Hi, yeah, it's me."

"I'm at your wedding
planner's house right now."

"Oh right, sorry I forgot
you were doing that now."

"Is it urgent?"

"No, not really."

"I only wanted to know if
you'd made an appointment
with an OB-GYN yet."

"I don't think you should
have to go by yourself."

I glanced at Minjin, who was happily following the movie
from the couch and then
decided to go back into the kitchen where this conversation was less likely to be overheard.

"I haven't." I said in a hushed tone of voice, suddenly feeling paranoid because I also
hadn't told Jungkook about
my circumstances.

"I don't want to stress you
but you should probably
do that soon."

"I know." I sighed.

"I guess part of me just does
not want to believe that I'm going to have a baby soon."

"It's easier to ignore it."

"Yeah I get that but still..."

"I know." I repeated.

"I'll take care of it."

"Just let me know when
you do." He paused and
then he changed the topic.

"How's the new job going?"

I looked at the dirty dishes
in the sink in front of me.

There weren't that many,Only what we'd used for lunch.

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