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Jimin was different when I
came home that day.

I couldn't exactly put my finger on it but something was off.

He greeted me with a smile
but kept his eyes downcast
the whole time even as he
led me into the kitchen
where he'd prepared a
cup of coffee for me.

There was something almost demure about his posture, as
if I was his master and he needed to appease me or something.

"Did you have a hard day at work?" he asked.

"Not that hard." I admitted.

I'd been gone most of the
day, attending my clients' rehearsal dinner but for the
most part the evening had
been pleasant.

"I could run you a bath so
you can relax."

He suggested as if he hadn't even heard me and what
made him think he should
be running me a bath?

"Did something happen
today, Jimin?"

"No, nothing happened."

Still with that fake smile.

I tried to think back to the morning, Had he been
acting weird then too?

I hadn't noticed anything
but I'd left pretty quickly.

I'd had a lot to do before
the dinner with the Maden wedding only a week away
and Jimin's brother calling
with a ton of questions
about his wedding.

"Why would you want to
run me a bath? You don't
have to do that."

"You're not my maid, you

"No, I know." He looked
aside as if suddenly shy,
head still tilted downward.

"I was only trying to make
you comfortable."

"That's not really your job, either."

"I know." he repeated but he didn't sound convinced and
he still wasn't looking at me.


Following an impulse, I
reached out to tilt his chin
up with the tip of my fingers,
forcing him to meet my gaze.

His eyes were so pretty, he shouldn't hide them away.

"What's going on?"

The meek omega in front of
me was not the man I'd hired.

He opened his mouth but I
cut him off before he could speak.

"Don't say it's nothing."

He closed his mouth again, considering his words once
more before speaking.

"I'm sorry." he said finally.

But sorry for what?

I searched his eyes but
couldn't find anything but confusion there.

What had him so rattled?

And was he even noticing
the way his sweet scent
intensified around him?

Almost as if he was subconsciously begging
me to put my arms around
him and claim him.

I forced myself to take a
step back, trying to gain a
clear head.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I upset you."

"When did you upset me?"

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