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In the middle of February
when the days were at their coldest, my brother insisted
on dragging me out of the
house with him to help him
pick out a suit for his wedding.

Wooyoung was coming too apparently he hadn't
organized a suit yet either.

He was also bringing Conner
who was about to be his
stepson to help him pick.

Together, the four of us took wooyoung's car to the next
Town where they had a great boutique for wedding suits
and dresses.

I drove because wooyoung
and Tae wanted to indulge
in the sparkling wine the
boutique served their
customers to loosen their wallets.

Wooyoung had called ahead
to let them know we were coming and when we got
there, there weren't any
other customers.

I figured he was paying a
little extra for the privacy and
to avoid pictures of his wedding suit featuring in gossip mags before the man he was about
to marry had even seen it.

For the most part, the media
had figured out that
wooyoung's life in busan
wasn't super interesting
but every now and then,
they could still be annoying.

Tae told me a few months
ago the paparazzi had stalked wooyoung and San for all
of Omega Day, not even
stopping when they decided
to visit the cemetery.

I used to want to be a
journalist but never one
like that.

Oblivious to my thoughts,
Tae and wooyoung were
joking about what color suits they should be wearing as I
sat down in one of the
armchairs placed in front
of the changing rooms.

"Why not white?" I asked.

It was the traditional color
for omegas to be married in.

I'd worn white on my
wedding day.

"That's so old-fashioned." Tae shot me down.

Wooyoung hesitated with
his response for a moment.

"I wore white my first

"I never had a say in the
matter, so I'm enjoying my freedom now."

"Oh." I looked at my shoes,
regretting that I'd said

For a second there, I'd
forgotten that wooyoung
had been married to a
religious man too.

At sixteen.

He was one of the
unfortunate souls who'd
never had a choice.

Unconsciously, I rested a
hand on my belly.

I'd left Seoul so my child wouldn't suffer the same fate.

"I think you should wear
plaid." Tae said, jokingly.

Wooyoung snorted.

Then one of the store's sales assistants entered the room
with a selection of suits in all colors of the rainbow on a rack.

I leaned back in my chair.

This was going to take a more than a couple of minutes.

While Tae and wooyoung
were still browsing through
the suits, the assistant rolled
out another rack, this one
with an assortment of smaller suits for Conner to look at.

He approached it cautiously,
as if he wasn't really sure he
was allowed to touch the expensive fabric.

I rose from my chair to
help him.

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