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Christmas Eve and the atmosphere in my house
was rather gloomy.

Jih had been grumpy
about something all day,
though he wouldn't tell me exactly what it was.

And minjin?

Well, he hates me tonight because I told him it wasn't
in Santa's power to bring
his Mommy back.

"Santa is stupid." He told me.

"I hate Santa."

"I Hate you."

And with that proclamation,
he'd thrown his stuffed
cow at me.

Then he'd angrily stomped
his foot on the ground,
stomping on our dog's tail
in the progress.

The puppy cried and then
Minjin cried and then I'd
nearly cried too, feeling powerless and wishing I could change things for my son.

I was so busy trying to calm down my inconsolable son
that I hardly noticed Jih
entering the living room
until he held out a chocolate cookie to Minjin, who
stared at it in confusion.

"I wanted to eat these by
myself so I hid them in
my room." he explained.

"But now I don't mind
sharing, I know they're
your favorites."

"Merry Christmas, little

Without thinking any further about it, Minjin grabbed the cookie and stuffed the whole thing into his mouth.

His tears stopped as he
munched on it.

"Thank you." I said, glancing
at Jih, who gave me a shrug, before focusing on his
brother again.

"You want to play some
Legos?" he asked.

For a moment, both Min and
I simply looked at him, wondering what had gotten
into him.

Finally, Minjin's face lit up
and he nodded. "Legos!"

"That's right."

Jih took his brother's hand
and led him to the back of
the room where the toy box
full of Legos were stored.

And while I was still wondering
if there was a UFO parked
above my house and if extraterrestrial life was
trying to infiltrate my family
by taking over my firstborn,
the doorbell rang.

Who could that be?

I wasn't expecting anyone.

Curiously, I opened the door.

The moment I saw who stood
on the other side, I knew
my evening was saved.

"Jimin, I didn't know you
were coming over."

He scratched the back of
his neck and gave me a
sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't say
anything, I wasn't sure if I should come or not."

"Oh please, we're always
happy to see you."

"Come on in."

"It's cold outside."

"Thank you." He stepped inside and slowly took off his coat.

Underneath, he wore an oversized red Christmas
sweater with reindeer on it.

A nice change from all the hoodies he'd been wearing

It was so perfectly ugly that
it nearly distracted me from
the bag he was carrying in
his hand.

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