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I couldn't believe I'd acted
like a teenager around Jimin, throwing my pheromones everywhere until the poor
guy had been forced to
ask me to stop.

No wonder he'd fled the
house soon after.

Well done, I told myself.

I'd warned my son not to
scare the new manny away
but now it looked like I was
doing a fine job of it all by myself.

And after telling everyone all
day that I wasn't interested
in Jimin.

Apparently, my subconscious
felt differently.

But I wasn't going to let
myself be ruled by baser instincts, was I?

No, it had just been too long since I'd seen any action.

Jieun leaving me had done
a number on my sex life for

I didn't have much time to contemplate my dilemma, though as minjin came
padding into the kitchen on naked feet, rubbing sleep from his eyes with his small fists.

"Did you have a good
day?" I asked, a smile
stealing onto my face.

Whatever Jieun had taken
from me, she'd left me
with a gift too.

As long as the boys and I stuck together, we would be fine.

Minjin opened his eyes and grinned. "You're home!"


He ran to me with his arms
wide open and I scooped
him up easily.

Sometimes I joked that
lifting him every day was
what kept me in shape.

"I heard you had some mac
& cheese with Jimin today."

"Lee's mac & cheese is

I had to laugh at the petulant way my son stated his critique.

He'd liked Lee.

It was really too bad she
hadn't lasted longer than two months before Jih unleashed
the crickets on her.

I had to find a way to make
Jimin stick around for longer
than that which meant I had
to keep my hormones in check around him from now on,
no matter how cute he was.

"I'm sure we can teach Jimin
to make good mac & cheese."

"Will you give him another chance?"

"Okay." He agreed softly and without much enthusiasm.

"I want you home."

"I know, sweetheart." I smoothed his hair which
stuck out at odd angles from sleeping on the couch.

"I have to work to buy mac cheese and cookies and all
the things you like, though."

"You understand that, don't you?"

He shook his head vigorously.

"Mommy was home."

"I want Mommy back."


This wasn't the first time he
said this to me but it still hurt.

Mostly because there was nothing I could do to change
the situation or even his mind.

I knew time would heal the wounds created in all of us
by Jieun's departure but the
scars would always be there
and I hated that.

My children were too young
for scars.

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